Robert Hanson Harrison (1745-1790)
MSA SC 3520-14052
Born 1745 in Charles County, Maryland. Son of Richard Harrison (d. 1780) and Dorothy Hanson Harrison. Brother of William Harrison. First cousin of John Hanson. Resided at family estate, "Walnut Landing," Charles County. Married a Ms. Johnston. Daughters: Sarah (c. 1769-1844), who married first John Jordan, 1787; married second David Easton, 1796; and Dorothy, who married first Henley; married second Storer. Died April 2, 1790 at his home in Charles County.
Lawyer in Alexandria, Virginia. Legal advisor, aide-de-camp, and military secretary to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War; achieved the rank of colonel. Chief Judge, Maryland General Court, 1781-1789. Appointed Chancellor of Maryland by the State Council vice John Rogers (d. 1789), 1789 (declined). Received six votes by Maryland's electoral college for vice president of the United States, February 4, 1789. Nominated by President George Washington for U.S. Supreme Court; declined due to ill health. Died April 2, 1790.
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