Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Rosetta M. T. Stith, Ph.D. (1945-2017)
MSA SC 3520-13615
Newspapers -
Selby, Holly. “The Doc Is On Call Paquin School’s
Rosetta Stith Nurtures ‘Her Babies” and Their Offspring.” The Sun, 11 November 1990.
“Rosetta Stith, Principal of the Laurence G.
Paquin School
For.” The Sun, 5 May 1991.
Valentine, Paul. “Motherhood 101; Baltimore School
Prepares Pregnant Teens for Life.” The Washington
Post, 24
September 19913
“Susan P. Leviton, Professor at the University of Maryland
The Sun, 26 January 1992.
“Rosetta Stith, Principal of the Laurence G. Paquin.” The Sun, 29 March 1992.
“Here’s To…” The
Sun, 10 May 1992.
Bock, James. “We Really Haven’t Gone As Far As We
Thought We Had; King Verdict and Riots Bring Blacks up Short.” The Sun, 3 May 1992.
Hilson, Robert. “Insistence, Care From Boyfriend,
Father Help Pregnant Teen-agers Get Diploma.” The Sun, 10 June 1992.
“Here’s To,” The
Sun, 14 February 1993.
“For High School Girls, Norplant Debate Hits Home.” New York Times, 7 March 1993
Lippman, Laura. “At Paquin, Memories and Thanks It’s a
Happy, and Tearful, Mother’s Day.” The
Sun, 8 May 1993.
Dorsey, John. “The Secret is Out; ‘Pandora’s Box’:
Exhibit nearing End of Run at the Walters is Creating Rare Excitement, Here and
At Venues to Come.” The Sun, 3
January 1996.
Shapiro, Stephanie. “Helping Kida Who Are Parents;
Interview: The Principal of the Paquin
for Expectant and
Parenting Adolescents Has Made the School a National Model for Educating
Teen-agers At Risk—And Their Children.” The
Sun, 8 June 1997.
Loh, Laura. “City Stands By Decision on Paquin Cuts;
Copeland Reaffirms Budgetary Move After Surprise Visit to School; City Stands
by Decision on Cutbacks at Paquin.” The
Sun, 12 February 2005.
Kane, Gregory. “Pass Up That ‘Baby Mama” Dance, Girls.”
The Sun, 22 March 2006.
Rasmussen, Frederick N. "Dr. Rosetta M.T. Stith, longtime head of Paquin Junior-Senior High School, dies." The Sun, 5 June 2017.
Books -
Stegman, Carolyn B. Women
of Achievement in Maryland
History. Annapolis:
Women of Achievement, Inc., 2002. pg. 130
Other -
Stith, Rosetta. “WhenYouNeedToKnowAndGrow.” Wordpress (blog). August 15, 2013,
to Dr. Rosetta Stith's Introductory Page
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