Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Elizabeth King Ellicott (1858-1914)
MSA SC 3520-13588
Elizabeth King Ellicott of Baltimore
was incredibly active in the suffrage movement in Maryland in the early 1900s. As president of
key pro-suffrage organizations, such as the Equal Suffrage League of Baltimore, Ellicott
was a driving force behind gathering support for female suffrage in Maryland.
Born in Baltimore
in 1858, Elizabeth King was a member of a prominent and wealthy local family.
She attended the Howland Institute, a Quaker school in Union Springs, NY,
for her secondary education and developed a strong interest in art during her
time there. She returned to Baltimore
after finishing school and studied art, but never made a career from it.1
Instead, King focused on creating better education options for the young girls
and women of Baltimore.
In the early 1880s, King and a group of friends, which included Martha Carey Thomas, organized the Bryn Mawr School for Girls in Baltimore. The school opened in 1885 and is
still operating today. King and her same friends later turned their
educational activism towards Johns
Hopkins University.
When the school was raising funds to build a new medical school, the
group bargained with the institution and promised to donate
$500,000 on the premise
that the university would start allowing women to attend the medical
school. Johns Hopkins
University agreed to this
offer in 1889, creating a breakthrough for women who wished to enter the
medical field.2
King remained active in Baltimore society when she
founded the Arundell Club, a civic club, in 1894. Prior to founding the Arundell
Club, King was a member of the Women’s Literary Club, but wanted to expand the
range of topics discussed by club members beyond literature. This, however, was
prohibited by the club’s constitution, so King took matters into her own hands and
began her own club.3 The
Arundell Club merged with the Maryland Federation of Women’s Clubs and King was
elected president of the entire federation in 1900, the same year she married
her husband, William Miller Ellicott. William Ellicott was the heir to the
Ellicott Mills fortune and was also the older brother of Charles Ellis
Ellicott, Madeleine LeMoyne Ellicott’s husband.
She, unfortunately, was forced to resign this position a year later due to
Ellicott did not become involved in the suffrage movement
until 1906. The Maryland Federation of Women’s Clubs itself was never involved
in the suffrage movement, but many of its members, including Ellicott, joined
various suffrage clubs. In 1906, Ellicott reorganized the Livermore Equal
Rights League into the Equal Suffrage League of Baltimore. The league
immediately affiliated itself with the Maryland Woman Suffrage Association,
where Emma Maddox Funck served as president.4
Suffragists in Maryland
submitted petitions to the Maryland General Assembly in 1906 and 1907
regarding giving women the right to vote, but they were viewed as
jokes and were promptly
dismissed.5 In
1910, when the suffragists prepared to submit a bill
to the General Assembly, Ellicott decided that she would act independently from the Maryland Woman
Suffrage Association and submited the Equal Suffrage League’s bill to the
legislature. Her bill gave the right to vote to every Baltimore resident, male or female, over the
age of 21, provided that they
possess any one of the following
qualifications, to wit: (a) If such person is qualified to vote for members of
the House of Delegates; or (b) if he or she can read of write, from dictation,
any paragraph or sentence of more than five lines contained in the Constitution
of Maryland; or (c) if he or she is assessed with property in said city to the
amount of $300 and has paid taxes thereon for at least two years preceding the
election at which he or she offers to vote.6
The Maryland House of Delegates debated the bill in early
March 1910, but the opposition was overwhelming. Those that voted against the
bill did so on the grounds that “racial integration of black and white women at
the polls might lead to trouble” and “that the welfare of women themselves
would not be protected.”7 Ellicott
faced a major defeat from the Maryland
legislature that day, but she would also face repercussions from Funck and the
Maryland Woman Suffrage Association.
The Maryland Woman Suffrage Association presented their own
bill to the legislature in late March 1910. This bill would grant suffrage to
everyone over the age of twenty-one, no matter their gender, intelligence
level, or economic status, but this bill was also rejected by the legislature. A
second defeat in two months prompted Emma Maddox Funck to expel Ellicott and
the Equal Suffrage League from the Maryland Woman Suffrage Association. According
to Maddox and other members of the Association, Ellicott’s organization’s
actions violated the Association’s constitution, which “requires that all
organizations affiliated with it confide their work within the circumscribed area
for which they were organized.”8
Despite pleas for peace and an explanation of her actions, the Maryland Woman
Suffrage Association banned Ellicott’s 600 member league.9
Ellicott, always determined, did not view her expulsion as a
setback. She continued to defend the necessity of female suffrage, writing that
suffrage, rather than civic clubs, was the best solution for women since
suffragists “have been led to this movement because, having tried all other
ways of civic betterment, the elevation of their sex and the solution of many
social and economic problems, they have decided that the vote which controls
the lawmakers and the law interpreters is the final appeal in a true
democracy.”10 Following
this statement, Ellicott announced in February 1911 the formation of the State
Equal Franchise League of Maryland, a league encompassing the Equal Suffrage
League of Baltimore, Montgomery County Woman’s Suffrage Club, the Just
Franchise League of Talbot County, and a new suffrage club recently formed in Frederick County. The league was legitimized by
Anna Howard Shaw, the president of the National Woman Suffrage Association.11 Ellicott
was now a direct rival of Maddox and her league.
As president and spokesperson of the Equal Franchise League,
Ellicott pursued new paths in order to inform all about the need for female suffrage and gain support for the cause. The Equal Franchise League did
this by starting the publication of The
New Voter in 1911. The magazine aimed to “elect pro-suffrage and defeat
anti-suffrage candidates” by interviewing candidates who were “non-committal on
the subject of woman suffrage” and by “educating the public about the aims of
the suffrage movement and its legislative objectives.”12
The New Voter made history as the
first suffrage magazine of Maryland,
aiming to update voters and dispel myths regarding the female suffrage
Equal Franchise League
continued to push Ellicott’s 1910 bill that granted women in Baltimore
right to vote, bringing it to the legislature again in 1912; it
failed to pass. The
League was feeling optimistic in 1914 and brought the bill to the
legislature for a third time, saying that “the joint committees on
constitutional amendments are
seriously considering what will meet the policy of their party, and
also the
political aspirations and needs of women, we are much to be
congratulated and
should be much encouraged.”13
The bill failed again. In 1914, the bill did not even get a hearing, and some
state legislators sent a message to the female suffragists telling them, “Don’t
come asking us for the ballot. We won’t give it to you. You are not wanted in
the Legislative halls. Go home and take care of the boys and girls.”14
This was a massive and hindering defeat for the League, but Ellicott told the
members to persevere. Yet when momentum for the suffrage movement was finally on
the upswing, Ellicott contracted pneumonia and died three weeks later from
heart failure.
Ellicott’s death was a shock to
all, suffragists and anti-suffragists alike. She left a large estate, valued
around $250,000, and instructed that a majority of her money be donated to
various organizations and institutions. Funds from her will were used to
establish the Elizabeth King Ellicott Fellowship for the Political Education of
Women at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland which is still awarded to “one or
more graduate students of the college who shall apply herself or themselves to
the study and development of the subject of the political education of women in
the United States, the results of such studies to be published by the college.”15
Some funds were also left to Madeleine LeMoyne Ellicott in order “to pay the
income therefrom for a period of 20 years to the Equal Suffrage League of Baltimore. It is to be
used by it to promote the cause of woman suffrage in the State”.16
Elizabeth King Ellicott devoted
the later years of her life to fighting for female suffrage. She was inhibited
many times throughout her battle by politicians or even by other suffragists,
but she never ceased her activism for such an important cause. Ellicott unfortunately
never lived to cast a ballot, but her efforts were nonetheless incredibly
influential. She inspired others, as seen through the massive amount of members
in her suffrage leagues, and that legacy caused others to continue advocating
for female suffrage until the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
Elizabeth King Ellicott constantly followed her vision for the advancement of
her gender through suffrage, and, as a visionary, her commemoration in the
Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame is completely earned.
1. Mal Hee
Son Wallace, “Elizabeth King Ellicott, 1858-1914: Suffrage and Civic Leader,”
in Notable Maryland Women, ed. Winifred G. Helmes,
Ph.D. (Cambridge: Tidewater Publishers, 1977), 116. Return to text
3. Carolyn
Stegman, Women of Achievement in Maryland History (University Park: Women of Achievement in
Maryland History, Inc., 2002), 30. Return to text
6. “To Plan
Suffrage Fight: League’s Committee Will Outline Annapolis Campaign, Judge Moses
to Advise Them; Members Say They Will Go Before Legislature Itself and Demand a
Public Hearing,” Baltimore Sun,
January 7, 1910. Return to text
8. “Appeals
Suffrage Tilt: Mrs. Ellicott Notifies National Body of League’s Expulsion; To
Continue Work, She Says,” Baltimore Sun, October 30, 1910. Return to text
“Ellicott Cohorts Out: Equal Suffrage League Expelled from Convention; Speech
Fails to Heal Breach,” Baltimore Sun, November 29, 1910. Return to text
10. “She
Stands By Suffrage: Mrs. Ellicott Believes it Greatest Chance For Women;
Elevation of Sex As Reason,” Baltimore Sun, January 29, 1911. Return to text
11. “New
Suffrage Club out: it will Be Known As State Equal Franchise League of
Maryland; Mrs. Ellicott Moving Spirit,” Baltimore Sun, February 25, 1911. Return to text
“Another Inning for Women: Mrs. W. M. Ellicott Says Suffragists Ought to Feel
Encouraged,” Baltimore Sun, February 5, 1914. Return to text
15. “Estate
to Aid Negroes: Mrs. Elizabeth King Ellicott Creates Fund For Their Benefit;
Estimated At About $150,000,” Baltimore Sun, May 20, 1914. Return to text
Biography written by 2014 summer intern Sharon Miyagawa.
to Elizabeth King Ellicott's Introductory Page
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