Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Walter S. Orlinsky
MSA SC 3520-13355


Born in Baltimore, Maryland, May 19, 1938.  Attended Brooklyn, New York, parochial and public schools; The Johns Hopkins University, A.B., 1960; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1964.  Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1966.  Married.  Died February 9, 2002 at the Gilchrist center for Hospice Care in Towson of colon cancer.

General Assembly:
House of Delegates, Legislative District 2 (D), Baltimore City, 1967-71.  Chair, Metropolitan Affairs Committee, 1967-69; Economic Affairs Committee, 1969-70; Joint Committee on Organization and Procedure, 1969-70.  Resigned, November 22, 1971.

Private Career and Other Public Service:
President, Baltimore City Council, 1973-82.  Founder, New Democratic Club.  Member, Maryland Commission on the Functions of Government; Young Democratic Clubs of Maryland; American and Junior Bar Associations; Academy of Political Science; Baltimore Museum of Art.  Chairman of the board, Baltimore Tutorial Project.  Member, Civil Liberties Union; National Trust for Historic Preservation; The Wilderness Society; Phi Alpha Delta; The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association; University of Maryland Alumni Association.  Treasurer, Baltimore Association for Histadrut.  National Board member, Habonim; Committee for Labor, Israel.

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