Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

William A. Fisher (1837-circa 1901)
MSA SC 3520-12874
Senate, BC, 1880


Born: January 8 1837, Baltimore, Maryland; Died: September 26, 1901

Graduated from Princeton in 1855, Studied in the law offices of William Schley and was admitted to the bar June 8, 1858.

Formed a partnership with Colonel Charles Marshall 1867-1882; Counsel, Western Maryland Railroad &Union Railroad Company; 1st Second Vice President, Bar Association of Baltimore City, 1879; 3rd President, Bar Association of Baltimore City, 1881-1882; Founding partner, Fisher Bruce & Fisher, 1887

Public Service:
Maryland State Senator, Baltimore City, 1880 Chairman, Judiciary Committee, 1880 Associate Judge, Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, 1882-1886

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