Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Philip H. Goodman (1914-1976)
MSA SC 3520-12489


Web sources  -

ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND ONLINE (Maryland Manual) Maryland Manual 1955-56, DC76-51, 2/3/13/18.

ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND ONLINE (Maryland Manual) Maryland Manual 1957-58, DC76-52, 2/3/13/181957-58.

ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND ONLINE (Maryland Manual) Maryland Manual 1959-60, DC76-53, 2/3/13/19.

ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND ONLINE (Maryland Manual) Maryland Manual 1961-62, DC76-54, 2/3/13/19.

Newspaper articles -

"Grady is Appointed to Supreme Bench, Joins In December."  The Baltimore Sun, 17 November 1962.

"Grady, Goodman Set Parley On Transfer of Mayorial Duties."  The Evening Sun, 17 November 1962.

"Mr. Goodman's Numerous Ideas."  The Baltimore Sun, 5 December 1962.

"Resignation Submitted."  The Baltimore Sun, 6 December 1962.

"Mayor Philip Goodman."  The Baltimore News Post, 7 December 1962.

"Oath Is Taken By Goodman As New Mayor." The Baltimore Sun, 7 December 1962.

"Goodman Ticket Sweeps to Victory." The Baltimore Sun, 6 March 1963.

"McKeldin, D'Alesandro and Pressman are Winner in City-Wide Elections."  The Baltimore Sun, 8 May 1963.

"Faces In Goodman Camp Reflect Changing Times."  The Baltimore Sun, 8 May 1963.

"New Addition."  The Evening Sun, 9 October 1963.

"Goodman, ex-mayor, dies at 60."  The Baltimore Sun, 2 May 1976.

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