Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Lorraine M. Sheehan (1937-2009)
MSA SC 3520-12335


Books -

Maryland Manual 1985-1986. Annapolis:  The Hall of Records Commission, 1985.

Papenfuse, Edward C., ed. Archives of Maryland New Series I:  An Historical List of Public Officials of Maryland.  Vol. 1: 1632 - 1990. Annapolis:  Maryland State Archives, 1990.

Stegman, Carolyn B. Women of Achievement in Maryland History. University Park, MD: Women of Achievement, Inc., 2002.

Articles -

McQueen, Michel. “Sheehan Falls From Democratic Favor.” The Washington Post, 7 July 1982.

Shapiro, Margaret and John Feinstein. “Gov. Hughes Rebuffs P.G. Senators by Naming Del. Sheehan to State Job.” The Washington Post, 27 January 1983.

Keirnan, Laura N. “Hughes’ Pick of Sheehan Sets Off Storm; P.G. Senators Still Smarting Over Rebuff.” The Washington Post, 2 February 1983.

“Winners and Losers in the State of Maryland.” The Washington Post, 3 January 1984.

McQueen, Michel. “Quest for Md.’s No. 2 job; Sheehan Hopes Hard Work Gives Her the Edge.” The Washington Post, 8 February 1985.

Melton, R.H. “Maryland Official Hopes to Tie Knot as Sachs’ Running Mate.” The Washington Post, 20 April 1985.

McQueen, Michel and Tom Kenworthy. “Sachs Trying to Get Rep. Mitchell on Ticket; Congressman Reported Near Agreement.” The Washington Post, 29 May 1986.

“Maryland Secretary of State Sheehan Resigns.” The Washington Post, 25 January 1987.

Barnes, Robert. “Md. House Deals Schaefer 2 Setbacks; Committees Kill Bills on Funds for the Disabled, State School Board.” The Washington Post, 23 February 1989.

Frece, John W. “Gubernatorial Hopefuls Pledge to Help Disabled.” The Sun (Baltimore), 6 May 1994.

“Our Say: Providence is Wrong Name for New School.” The Capital (Annapolis), 9 October 1997.

“Lorraine Sheehan.” The Capital (Annapolis), 12 April 2002.

Felter, Mary P. “Women of Achievement List Includes 21 From County.” The Capital (Annapolis), 19 November 2002.

Sheehan, Lorraine. “Heartless Metaphor.” The Washington Post, 19 July 2003.

Sheehan, Lorraine. “Institutional Care an Outmoded Model.” The Sun (Baltimore), 2 December 2006.

“Names in the News.” The Capital (Annapolis), 8 February 2007.

“County Digest.” The Sun (Baltimore), 9 November 2008.

Roth, Heather. “Disability Rights Activist ‘Selfless and Tenacious.’” The Capital (Annapolis), 23 December 2009.

Shapiro, T. Rees. “Lorraine M. Sheehan, 72; Fought for Right of Disabled.” The Washington Post, 24 December 2009.

Kelly, Jacques. “Lorraine Sheehan. State Delegate from Prince George's, Secretary of State and Lobbyist who was a Tenacious Disability-Rights Advocate.” The Sun (Baltimore), 24 December 2009.

Editor's Notebook. The Capital (Annapolis), 26 December 2009.

“Worth Reporting.” The Capital (Annapolis), 26 December 2009.

Websites -

Maryland Women's Hall of Fame.

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