
Ehrlich to nominate Hutchins for state police chief
Acting superintendent 'is doing a terrific job', governor says
By David Nitkin
Sun Staff

March 8, 2004, 4:40 PM EST

Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. said today that he will submit the name of acting state police Superintendent Thomas E. "Tim" Hutchins to be the permanent agency head.

"Timmy will be made superintendent. Timmy is doing a terrific job," Ehrlich said.

Hutchins, an ex-trooper and former member of the House of Delegates, was appointed to the post of superintendent in December 2003, shortly after the former superintendent, Edward T. Norris, was indicted on charges stemming from his use of a police fund while he was chief in Baltimore.

Hutchins, 58, was born in Baltimore, attended Calvert Senior High School and served in the Vietnam War. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland, according to a biography on the state police Web site. He also was commander of the Maryland State Police Academy, the biography said.

Norris, 43, pleaded guilty today in federal court to one count of conspiracy to misapply funds from a supplemental account and one count of filing a false tax return.

Both are related to Norris' use of more than $20,000 from a loosely structured expense account to pay for lavish meals, alcohol and gifts and to finance extramarital affairs while he headed the department.

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