Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Barbara A. Hoffman (1940-2021)
MSA SC 3520-12143


Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 8, 1940. Towson State College, B.S. (education), 1960; The Johns Hopkins University, M.L.A. (liberal arts), 1966.  Married; three children. Died June 20, 2021, in Baltimore, Maryland.

General Assembly:
Member of Senate,  District 42 (D), Baltimore City & Baltimore County, 1983-2003.  Member, Constitutional and Public Law Committee, 1983-84; Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1985-86; Executive Nominations Committee, 1987-2003; Joint Audit Committee (formerly Joint Committee on Budget and Audit), 1987-2003; Legislative Policy Committee, 1991-2003 (management subcommittee). Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1993-2000; Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995-96. Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee, 1995-2003 (member, 1987-2003; vice chair, 1991-95; capital budget subcommittee, 1992-2003; pensions subcommittee, 1999-2003). Senate Chair, Spending Affordability Committee, 1995-2003. Senate Chair, Special Joint Task Force on Transportation, 1995. Member, Rules Committee, 1995-2003; Joint Advisory Committee on Legislative Data Systems, 1996-2003; Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 1999-2003; Senate Committee on Redistricting, 2001-02; Special Committee on Gaming, 2001-03; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2002. President, Women Legislators of Maryland, 1991-92. President, National Association of Jewish Legislators, 1991-92. Member, National Conference of State Legislators, 1994-2003; Southern Legislative Conference, Council of State Governments, 1994-2003.

Private Career and Other Public Service:
Member, Peabody Institute Oversight Committee, 1990-96; Advisory Council, Children and Family Services Reform Project, 1990-96; State Commission on Infant Mortality Prevention, 1991-99; Governor's Commission on Welfare Policy, 1992-94; Task Force on Child Care and Child Development Programs for Children of Working Parents, 1994; Task Force on Youth Citizenship and Violence Prevention of Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1995-96; Maryland State Arts Council, 1995-99. Board of Directors, University of Maryland Medical System Corporation, 1995-2003. Member, Maryland Education Council, Education Commission of the States, 1995-2003 (commissioner, 1995-2003; vice-chair, 2000; member, nominating committee & steering committee, 2001-03). Member, Governor's Task Force on Children, Youth, and Families Systems Reform, 1996; Commission to Study Ways to Improve the Financial Viability of the Racing Industry, 1997-99; Task Force to Study Retail Electric Competition and the Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry, 1997-98; Task Force to Study the Governance, Coordination, and Funding of the University System of Maryland, 1998-99. Board of Advisors, Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 1998-2003. Member, Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Commission on Education Finance, Equity, and Excellence, 1999-2002; Transit Policy Panel, 2000; Commission on Maryland's Fiscal Structure, 2002; Task Force to Study Public School Facilities, 2002. Supervisor of secondary school teachers, Morgan State College, 1968-73. Executive Director, Maryland Democratic Party, 1979-83. Director of International Programs and Special Projects, Center for Talented Youth, The Johns Hopkins University, 2002- (education policy advisor, 1997-2002). Trustee, Baltimore Museum of Art. Board of Directors, The Living Classrooms Foundation, 1999-. Former board member, Baltimore Reads; Kennedy-Krieger Institute; National Jewish Democratic Council; Preservation Maryland; Maryland Committee for Children; United Way of Central Maryland. Co-author, Journeys in English, an English textbook. Leadership award, Maryland Democratic Party, 1984. Legislative excellence award, Maryland Victim Advocacy Network, 1985. Ann London Scott Memorial Award (for legislative excellence), National Organization for Women, 1989. Distinguished service award, Maryland Municipal League, 1992. Appreciation award, Baltimore Jewish Council, 1995. Honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters, Towson State University, 1996. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1998, 2000, 2003 (Circle of Excellence). Legislator of the Year, Mental Health Association of Maryland, 1999. Leadership award, Maryland Legislative Council of Social Workers, 1999. Honorary degree, Doctor of Public Service, University of Maryland, Baltimore, 2000; University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2001; University of Maryland, University College, 2001. First Citizen Award, Maryland Senate, 2001. President's Award, Preservation Maryland, 2001. Legislator of the Year, Metropolitan Baltimore Branch, Mental Health Association of Maryland, 2001. Historic Preservation Award, Baltimore Heritage, Inc., 2001. Public Service Award, Baltimore Association for Retarded Citizens, 2001. Public Policy Leadership Award, Public Policy Committee, American Cancer Society, 2002. Legislative Sponsor Award, Maryland Children's Action Network, 2002. Champion of Volunteer Service, Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism, 2002. Legislative Award, Maryland Public Health Association, 2002. Member, Society of Senates Past.

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