Incoming Congressmen Include Millionaires

                    By JONATHAN D. SALANT
                            Associated Press Writer
                            Originally published December 24, 2002, 5:39 PM EST

                    WASHINGTON -- Close to half the incoming members of Congress
                    are millionaires and many will face votes that could affect their financial

                    For example, 11 of the 63 first-termers in the House and Senate have
                    financial interests of at least $15,000 in banking or credit card
                    companies, including bank directorships, according to an Associated
                    Press review of financial disclosure forms filed during the campaign.

                    Among the issues the next Congress is expected to tackle is legislation
                    that would make it harder for consumers to declare bankruptcy, a bill
                    pushed by the banking industry.

                    Several incoming freshmen also have significant financial holdings in the
                    pharmaceutical and oil industries, both of which could well be the
                    subject of congressional action next year.

                    For example, Congress will consider legislation to help senior citizens
                    buy prescription drugs. Democrats want to put the program under
                    Medicare; Republicans and the pharmaceutical industry want a smaller
                    program run by private insurers.

                    And the oil industry favors opening the Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife
                    Refuge to oil and gas exploration, a subject of heated dispute in the past
                    Congress. President Bush and many Republicans favor the exploration,
                    while many Democrats and environmental interests oppose it.

                    Government watchdog groups often cite the economic inequity between
                    many members of Congress and the people they represent. They say
                    wealth makes lawmakers more apt to think about their financial interests
                    than what's best for their constituents.

                    "Only richer people tend to win office," said Gary Ruskin, director of the
                    Congressional Accountability Project, which is affiliated with consumer
                    advocate Ralph Nader. "It's those very same people who tend to hold
                    lots of stock. They have conflicts of interest in respect to their voting
                    when they come to office."

                    Rep.-elect Trent Franks, R-Ariz., owner of Liberty Petroleum Corp.,
                    said his business interests won't cloud his votes.

                    "There's every desire on my part to do what's best for the country and
                    for the people I represent, regardless of any implication it has upon my
                    business," he said.

                    Rep.-elect Jeb Bradley, R-N.H., who reported holdings of $1 million to
                    $5 million, much of it from stocks, said the only way he would benefit is
                    if the economy improves, which helps everyone.

                    "I don't believe you can, as a member of Congress, use your influence to
                    benefit yourself," Bradley said. "What you try to do is set the stage for
                    the economy to benefit. That's why you enter into public service, to
                    improve, as you perceive it, the lot of your constituents."

                    Almost 43 percent of the incoming freshmen -- 27 lawmakers -- are
                    millionaires, compared with 1 percent of the American public. Fourteen
                    will take a pay cut to serve in Congress, where rank-and-file senators
                    and representatives will receive $154,700 next year. In the previous
                    freshman class two years ago, one-third were millionaires.

                    Rep.-elect Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., is taking the biggest financial hit. He
                    reported $6.9 million in salary last year, primarily from investment
                    banking, according to his financial disclosure form. Before joining the
                    private sector, Emanuel was a senior adviser to President Clinton.

                    An Emanuel spokeswoman said he will set up a blind trust.

                    Charles Lewis, director of the Center for Public Integrity, a
                    Washington-based watchdog group, said many lawmakers' wealth puts
                    them out of touch with their constituents.

                    "When you have a number of people out of work and health care being
                    a problem for the middle class, not just the poor, and with the economy
                    stalled, to have this bumper crop of millionaires stands out," Lewis said.
                    "That's who gets into politics now."

                    Incoming Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md., said talents that
                    make people successful in business also can make them a good

                    "They bring a lot to the table, especially in our difficult times," said
                    Ruppersberger, whose holdings are valued at $700,000 to $1.58
                    million. "You want people who have good judgment and have the
                    courage to stand up for what they believe in. If people have done well,
                    that means they're successful. Maybe that's part of leadership."

                    In addition to personal wealth, the freshman class brings significant
                    government experience. Nearly 80 percent -- 50 of 63 -- have been
                    public servants, including 27 former state legislators and four former
                    federal officials.

                    "Especially post-Sept. 11, people realize the government has a critical
                    role to play in providing for the safety of all Americans," said Bradley,
                    who served as a New Hampshire state legislator. "I don't sense an
                    anti-government bias. What I sense is Americans want their government
                    to work for them to solve problems."

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