Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Stewart Bainum, Jr.
MSA SC 3520-2683


Born in Takoma Park, Maryland, March 25, 1946.  Attended Takoma Academy; Pacific Union College, B.A., History, 1968; University of California at Los Angeles, M.B.A., 1970; Andrews University, Theology, 1971-72.  Married; two children.

General Assembly:
House of Delegates, Montgomery County, 1979-82.  Senate, District 20, 1983-86.  Member, Budget and Taxation Committee; Joint Committee on Budget and Audit; Subcommittee on Corrections and Transportation; Subcommittee on Capital Budget.

Private Career and Other Public Service:
Businessman.  Chair, Manor Care, Inc.; Choice Hotels International, Inc.; Sunburst Hospitality.  Chair and founder, Baltimore Advisors, a non-profit business management consulting firm for inner city-based businesses.  Chair, Task Force on Public Transportation, Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, 1977-78.  Member, Coalition United to Reform Elections, 1975, 1977.  Chair, Executive Committee, Silver Spring Development Council, 1976-77, vice president, 1977-78.  Member, Silver Spring Revitalization Task Force, 1978; executive board member, Alliance for Democratic Reform, 1974-75, 1977-78.  Treasurer, Legislative Study Group, Inc., 1980-82.  Member, State Development Council Task Force; Governor's Task Force on Violence and Extremism.  Named "Outstanding State Official" by the Young Democrats of Maryland, 1981.  Member, Board of Trustees, University of Maryland Medical System; St. Mary's College; Baltimore Symphony Orchestra; The Johns Hopkins University.

Personal Comments and Observations:
"[The two most controversial issues with which I dealt in the senate were] my attempt to revoke the tax breaks for private clubs [that] discriminate [and] my attempt to reduce the state payroll by 2% across the board.  The fight on the senate floor for the 2% across the board payroll cut [was also my most memorable event]. "[My most significant contribution as a Maryland senator was] helping the senate stand firm during the savings and loan crisis to ensure the State of Maryland achieved a fairer deal.

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