Prudence Gough Ridgely Howard (1791-1847)
MSA SC 3520-2253
First Lady of Maryland, 1831-1833
1. John H. Scarff, "Belmont, Howard County," Maryland Historical Magazine 48, March 1953, 39; Henry Ridgely Evans, Founders of Colonial Families (Washington, D.C.: W.H. Lowdermilk and Co., 1935), 29.
2. Scarff, "Belmont," 40; Bernard C. Steiner, ed., "Family Bible of Harry Dorsey Gough Carroll (1793-1866)," Maryland Historical Magazine 22, December 1927, 377.
3. Scarff, "Belmont," 40.
4. Scarff, "Belmont," 38-39.
5. Scarff, "Belmont," 40.
6. Lynne Dakin Hastings, Guidebook to Hampton National Historic Site (Maryland: Historic Hampton, Inc., 1986), 8-9; Steiner, "Family Bible," 377; Francis B. Culver, "Notes and Queries: Priscilla of the Dorseys, A Century Old Mystery," Maryland Historical Magazine 42, March 1947, 65.
7. Hastings, Lynne Dakin, Guidebook to Hampton National Historic Site (Maryland: Historic Hampton, Inc., 1986), 7-8; Frank F. White, Jr., The Governors of Maryland: 1777-1970 (Annapolis: Hall of Records Commission, 1970), 71; Henry Ridgely Evans, Founders of Colonial Families (Washington D.C.: W.H. Lowdermilk and Co., 1935), 21.
8. Hastings, Guidebook, 8; J.D. Warfield, The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland (Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, 1990), 259.
9. Hastings, Lynne Dakin. Phone interview by Emily A. Oland, Archival Research Intern, on July 1, 1996; Steiner, "Family Bible," 377.
10. Hastings, Guidebook, appendix 2.
11. White, Governors, 101.
12. Warfield, Founders, 268; White, Governors, 101.
13. White, Governors, 101; Celia Holland, Old Homes and Families of Howard County, Maryland (Privately Published, 1987), 162.
14. Holland, Old Homes, 162.
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