Mary Digges Lee (1745-1805)
MSA SC 3520-2229
First Lady of Maryland, 1779-1782 and 1792-1794
1. Folger McKinsey and T.J.C. Williams, History of Frederick County, Maryland, Volume I (Baltimore: Regional Publishing Company, 1967), 121.
2. Effie Gwynn Bowie, Across the Years in Prince George's County (Richmond: Garrett and Massie, Incorporated, 1947), 274.
8. McKinsey and Williams, History of Frederick County, 122.
9. Bowie, Across the Years, 524.
10. Heinrich Ewald Buchholz, Governors of Maryland from the Revolution to the Year 1908, 2d ed. (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Company, 1908), 13.
11. Bowie, Across the Years, 525. Therese C. Yewell, Women of Achievement in Prince George's County, Maryland (Maryland: The National Park and Planning Commission, 1994), 29.
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