Margaret Brent (ca. 1601-1671)
MSA SC 3520-2177
James, Edward T, editor. Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971.
Newspaper/Magazine Articles:
Loker, Aleck. "BARRISTERS, BRIGANDS, AND BRENTS: Margaret Brent: Attorney, Adventurer, and America's First Suffragette"A Briefe Relation Historic St. Mary's City Foundation and Friends Newsletter, Spring 1999.
"Notes on 'Colonial Women of Maryland.'" Maryland Magazine 2: 379.
Other Sources:
Maryland History Leaflet No. 1, Prepared for use of Government House by the Maryland State Archives
Biographical Sketch of Margaret Brent by Dr. Lois Green Carr, Historic St. Mary's City
Notes on Margaret Brent, © Dr. Lois Green Carr, Historic St. Mary's City Commission
Transcription of Margaret Brent's Request for Voting Rights as published in Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664, Archives of Maryland Volume 1.
Deposition Regarding Leonard Calvert's Last Wishes, naming Margaret Brent as his Executrix from PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills, Original Record) Liber 1 folio 9, MdHR 1279-1 [MSA S 1276-1, 3/38/10/1].
Ramey, Mary E.W. "Chronicles of Mistress Margaret Brent." Pamphlet. 1915.
Roberts, Mary Carter. "Margaret Brent, 'Gentleman.'" Pamphlet. St. Mary's
Economic Development Commission.
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