Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Charles Edward Phelps (1833-1908)
MSA SC 3520-2110


Born May 1, 1833 in Guilford, Vermont. Son of John and Almira (Hart) Lincoln Phelps. Attended Rock Hall Academy; St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Maryland; Princeton University, B.A. 1852, M.A. 1853; Harvard Law School, 1855. Studied law in the office of the Hon. Robert J. Brent, Baltimore Maryland, 1854. Admitted to the bar, 1855.  Married Martha Woodward, December 29, 1868. Six children: William Woodward Phelps, Charles E. Phelps, Jr., John Phelps, Frank H. Phelps, Almira Phelps, and Martha Phelps. Died on December 27, 1908, in Baltimore, Maryland.

Captain, Maryland National Guard, 1858-1861; later promoted to Major. Lieutenant, 7th Regiment, Maryland Volunteers, Union Army, August 1862-September 1864, attained rank of colonel; brevetted brigadier general, March 1865; commander, 8th Regiment, 1877. Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor, 1898. Formed a legal practice with John V. L. Findlay, 1869. Faculty member, University of Maryland School of Law, 1884-1907; Chair of Equity, Jurisprudence, Pleading and Practice. President, Maryland Association of Union Veterans. Charter Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1896-1897. Member, First Branch of the Baltimore City Council, 1860. U.S. Representative (D), 1865-1869. State manager, House of Reformation for Colored Children, Prince George's County, 1872. Commissioner of public schools, Baltimore City, 1876. Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, 1882-1908.

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