William Noble Andrews (1876-1937)
MSA SC 3520-1959
Born: November 13, 1876, in Hurlock, Dorchester County
Died: December 27, 1937, in Cambridge, Dorchester County; buried in Washington Cemetery, Hurlock
Family: son of James N. and Sallie (Noble) Andrews
Married: Helene Phillips, 1919
Education: attended public schools; graduated, Wesley Collegiate Institute, Dover, Delaware, 1898; graduated, University of Maryland at Baltimore Law School, 1903
Professional Positions: admitted to the bar, 1903; practiced law, Cambridge
Political Affiliation: Republican
Maryland Service: state's attorney, Dorchester County, 1904-11; House, Dorchester County, 1914; Senate, Dorchester County, 1918, 1931-1933
National Service: U.S. Representative, 1st District, 66th Congress, served from March 1919 to March 1921
Source: Gerson G. Eisenberg. Marylanders Who Served the Nation. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1992.
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