Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

J. Enos Ray, Jr. (1874-1934)
MSA SC 3520-1720


Archival sources -

COURT OF APPEALS (Test Book) Volume RWG 1 Page 150 [MSA S431-1,

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS (Death Record, Counties) James Enos Ray, 10 September 1934, Prince George's County [MSA S1179-5048, 00/48/2/72]

Newspaper articles -

"Enos Ray Called Easily Leader." The Baltimore Sun, 8 February 1934.

"Ray to Resign as Maryland Party Leader." The Washington Post, 24 July 1934.

"J. Enos Ray Dies; Leader in Politics." The New York Times, 11 September 1934.

"Funeral Rites for J. Enos Ray to be Thursday." The Washington Post, 11 September 1934.

"J. Enos Ray Will Be Paid Tribute Today." The Washington Post, 13 September 1934.

"Portrait of J. Enos Ray, Late House Speaker, Unveiled." The Baltimore Sun, 14 February 1945.

"Mrs. J. E. Ray Found Dead in Md. Home." The Washington Post, 30 July 1948.


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