Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Harry W. Nice (1877-1941)
MSA SC 3520-1481
Governor of Maryland, 1935-1939


Newspaper articles -

"Nice Next Governor:  G. O. P. Candidate Beats Ritchie By Over 5,000; Rural Vote Swings Tide."  The Baltimore Sun, 8 November 1934.

"Nice Began Career In Politics in 1901." The Baltimore Sun, 8 November 1934.

"Mrs. Harry W. Nice," "Governor Nice and Family Occupying the Executive Mansion," "Inaugural Dance," and "Nice Home At Baltimore."  The Evening Capital, 9 January 1935.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Hosts at Reception Yesterday."  The Evening Capital, 10 January 1935.

"Governor's Wife Plans To Be 'Busy Hostess;' Tells Of Her Hobbies, One Of Which Is Daily Shopping."  The Evening Capital, 12 January 1935.

"Executive Mansion Found Drab And Full Of Things Old But Not Old Enough."  The Baltimore Sun, 13 January 1935.

"Governor Has $25,207 In Fund For Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 14 January 1935.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Be Guests at White House Reception."  The Evening Capital, 21 January 1935.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice to Entertain Members of Assembly."  The Evening Capital, 28 January 1935.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice to Be Guests at White House Tonight."  The Evening Capital, 31 January 1935.

"Mrs. Nice to be at Home Tomorrow Afternoon."  The Evening Capital, 6 February 1935.

"Large Crowd Present at Mrs. Nice's First "At Home."  The Evening Capital, 8 February 1935.

"Spacious and ... Mansion Now Assured:  ...Agree To Allow Governor Nice $50,000 To Modernize Property...."  The Evening Capital, 19 February 1935.

"Gov. And Mrs. Nice At Ritchie Funeral."  The Evening Capital, 27 February 1936.

"Gov. and Mrs. Nice Entertaining General Assembly of State Tonight." The Evening Capital, 28 February 1935.

"Evening Capital To Conduct Poll On Plans For Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 18 March 1935.

"Mansion Repairs Begin In Six Or Eight Weeks."  The Evening Capital, 5 April 1935.

"Colonial Motif Will Feature Renovated Governor's Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 22 April 1935.

"Revised Plan For Executive Mansion:  Work On Mansion To Start In June." The Baltimore Sun, 22 April 1935.

"Mrs. Nice Inspects Miller Estate Offered as Temporary Mansion." The Evening Capital, 20 May 1935.

"City Will Receive President; Here For Cup Races."  The Evening Capital, 25 May 1935.

"Begin Remodeling Work On Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 5 June 1935.

"Lay Concrete At Mansion Grounds."  The Evening Capital, 10 June 1935.

"40-Ton Porch of Executive Mansion Is Removed Today."  The Evening Capital, 26 June 1935.

"Mae West Dines With Gov. Nice."  The Evening Capital, 20 July 1935.

"Comparison In Statesmanship." The Evening Sun, 26 July 1935.

"Mrs. Nice To Oust High Old Bathtubs."  The Baltimore Sun, 11 August 1935.

"Labrot Hits Repair Cost For Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 23 August 1935.

"$22,000 Extra Needed To Make Mansion Ready."  The Evening Capital, 30 August 1935.

"Gov. Nice And Family To Occupy Mansion By Early December."  The Evening Capital, 19 September 1935.

"Mansion Finished In February In Time For Assembly Meet."  The Evening Capital, 17 December 1935.

"Residents Make Favorable Comment On New Mansion; Local Sentiment Changes." The Evening Capital, 18 December 1935.

"Governor To Use Budget Surplus To Polish Up Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 18 December 1935.

"Mansion Will Cost Over $110,000, Nice Tells Works Board."  The Evening Capital, 19 December 1935.

"Bigger Deficit Looms on Nice Mansion Work."  The Baltimore Sun, 19 December 1935.

"State Details $97,597 Spent Upon Mansion."  The Baltimore Sun, 20 December 1935.

"Governor Nice Threatens To Close Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 20 December 1935.

"Will It Be "Nice's Folly"?  Ghosts Of Bladen's Wonder."  The Baltimore Sun, 21 December 1935.

"It Takes A Heap O'Spendin' To Make A Gubernatorial Mansion."  The Baltimore Sun, 21 December 1935.

"Governor Selects Committee To Get Furniture For Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 2 January 1936.

"Nice Reports On Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 6 March 1936.

"Mansion Spending Was Economical:  Experts Find Expenditures of $175,000 Would Have Been Necessary If Rebuilt."  The Evening Capital, 7 March 1936.

"Caucus Tonight On Mansion Fund."  The Evening Capital, 24 March 1936.

"Senate Places Mansion Issue Before Gov."  The Evening Capital, 25 March 1936.

"Mansion Bill Is Defeated In State Senate."  The Evening Capital, 28 March 1936.

"Mansion Bill Approved By House, Senate."  The Evening Capital, 3 April 1936.

"Resume Work On Repairing Mansion Soon."  The Evening Capital, 6 April 1936.

"Governor Nice Lives In Annapolis, Much To His Amazement."  The Evening Capital, 10 April 1936.

"Would Convert Mansion Into Office."  The Evening Capital, 20 April 1936.

"Survey Commission Spends Funds Legislature Planned For Mansion." The Evening Capital, 23 April 1936.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Visit South America."  The Evening Capital, 5 May 1936.

"Governor Has $35,245.29 For Mansion Work."  The Evening Capital, 14 May 1936.

"Resume Work Of Repairing Mansion Here."  The Evening Capital, 27 May 1936.

"Mansion Interior Will Be Finished."  The Baltimore Sun, 28 May 1936.

"Mansion To Be Completed In About 6 Weeks."  The Evening Capital, 29 May 1936.

"Nice To Have Nine Bathtubs In New Executive Mansion."  The Baltimore Sun, 18 June 1936.

"Mansion Of Governor Will Have 18 Bedrooms."  The Evening Capital, 30 June 1936.

"Nice Family To Occupy Mansion Within 3 Weeks."  The Evening Capital, 2 July 1936.

"Furniture Being Moved Into State's Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 16 July 1936.

"Mrs. Nice Supervises Work At Mansion; Linen Missing."  The Evening Capital, 22 July 1936.

"Governor Plans To Occupy Refinished Mansion By Latter Part Of Next Week."  The Evening Capital, 23 July 1936.

"Mansion Taking Shape As Home:  Mrs. Nice Supervises Installing Of Furniture And Hanging Of Draperies."  The Baltimore Sun, 23 July 1936.

"Gov. Nice And Family Due To Arrive Friday."  The Evening Capital, 29 July 1936.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice ... Dinner Sunday."  The Evening Capital, 29 July 1936.

"Local Police Will Seek Linen Missing From State Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 30 July 1936.

"Mrs. Nice And Son Now In Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 1 August 1936.

"Gov. Nice States He Missed His Balto. Home Following First Night In State Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 3 August 1936.

"...Benefit Card Party Governor's Home."  The Evening Capital, 12 October 1936.

"Government House Gets Placque On Front Gate."  The Evening Capital, 14 October 1936.

"Window Curtains Now Adorn Chairs."  The Evening Capital, 6 November 1936.

"...Nice Host at Dinner ...Last Night."  The Evening Capital, 25 November 1936.

"Christmas Carols At Government House."  The Evening Capital, 18 December 1936.

"...Christmas Guests ...Government House."  The Evening Capital, 21 December 1936.

"Governor Will Receive On New Years."  The Evening Capital, 23 December 1936.

"Governor Nice Determined To Do Something For Annapolis, He Declares."  The Evening Capital, 24 December 1936.

"Reception Is Held Friday By Governor."  The Evening Capital, 2 January 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice to Attend President's Ball Jan. 30."  The Evening Capital, 26 January 1937.

"Governor Nice to Speak at Legion Auxiliary Banquet."  The Evening Capital, 1 February 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Entertaining Guest."  The Evening Capital, 11 February 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Held Reception Yesterday."  The Evening Capital, 25 February 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice to Give Large Luncheon April 17."  The Evening Capital, 8 April 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice's Guests to See Old Houses."  The Evening Capital, 14 April 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Giving Dinner Saturday."  The Evening Capital, 15 April 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice to Give Dinner for Masonic Group."  The Evening Capital, 21 April 1937.

"Governor Nice Receives Masons."  The Evening Capital, 18 May 1937.

"Gov. Nice Gets Sympathy On Operation."  The Evening Capital, 20 May 1937.

"Governor Nice Host to Potentate of Shriners."  The Evening Capital, 1 June 1937.

"Governor Ready For Operation." The Evening Capital, 12 June 1937.

"Governor Nice Clears His Desk, Ready For Hospital."  The Evening Capital, 14 June 1937.

"Governor Nice's Right Eye Is Removed." The Evening Capital, 21 June 1937.

"Governor Home On Thursday."  The Evening Capital, 29 June 1937.

"Gov. Nice Is Home; Will Rest Here For Month."  The Evening Capital, 1 July 1937.

"Governor Is Host To Physicians."  The Evening Capital, 8 July 1937.

"Gov. Nice Leaves For Two Weeks Cruise."  The Evening Capital, 19 July 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Honor Guests at Republican Rally."  The Evening Capital, 26 July 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Motoring to West Virginia."  The Evening Capital, 25 August 1937.

"Governor Nice And Family Plan To Attend Meets."  The Evening Capital, 13 September 1937.

"Governor Nice Ill, Being Hurried Back Here."  The Evening Capital, 16 September 1937.

"Remove Nice To Hospital From Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 17 September 1937.

"Gov. Nice Back At Home Here."  The Evening Capital 21 September 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Hosts at Dinner Thursday Evening."  The Evening Capital, 2 October 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice to Entertain Police Chiefs."  The Evening Capital, 4 October 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Hosts to Police Chiefs and Wives."  The Evening Capital, 6 October 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Honor Guests at Dinner."  The Evening Capital, 26 October 1937.

"Nice Recovers From Illness."  The Evening Capital, 8 November 1937.

"Local Ministers Luncheon Guests of Gov. and Mrs. Nice."  The Evening Capital, 11 November 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Giving Dinner for Adm. and Mrs. Sellers." The Evening Capital, 15 November 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Entertain College Members."  The Evening Capital, 17 November 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Entertaining at Dinner."  The Evening Capital, 20 November 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Entertain."  The Evening Capital, 22 November 1937.

"Ferryboat 'Gov. Harry W. Nice' To Be Launched on December 11." The Evening Capital, 30 November 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice ... at Dinner."  The Evening Capital, 30 November 1937.

"...Christen... Boat."  The Evening Capital, 11 December 1937.

"Christmas Carols To Be Sung At Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 14 December 1937.

"Governor Will Spend Xmas At Home."  The Evening Capital, 23 December 1937.

"Citizens To Sing Carols Tonight At Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 24 December 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Entertain."  The Evening Capital, 24 December 1937.

"Many Gifts Of Food Went To Governor's Mansion."  The Evening Capital, 27 December 1937.

"Parties Help to Make Christmas Gay."  The Evening Capital, 27 December 1937.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Receive January 1."  The Evening Capital, 29 December 1937.

"Official Reception at Government House."  The Evening Capital, 3 January 1938.

"Governor Giving Dinner For Judges Tonight."  The Evening Capital, 11 January 1938.

"Governor Nice To Entertain Club Friends and Special Writers." The Evening Capital, 21 January 1938.

"Invite Governor To View Elks' Show."  The Evening Capital, 26 January 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Recent Guests at College Park."  The Evening Capital, 28 January 1938.

"Governor Harry W. Nice Opened Wild Life Show."  The Evening Capital, 12 February 1938.

"Governor Is Feted By Lithuanians."  The Evening Capital 17 February 1938.

"Governor Nice Entertains."  The Evening Capital, 19 February 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Give Dinner Party."  The Evening Capital, 23 February 1938.

"Entertained At Luncheon Yesterday By Governor."  The Evening Capital, 24 February 1938.

"Government House Concert Planned."  The Evening Capital, 25 February 1938.

"...Entertained At Government House."  The Evening Capital, 26 February 1938.

"Concert To Be Given At Government House Thursday Evening."  The Evening Capital, 28 February 1938.

"Society To Attend Government House Concert."  The Evening Capital, 3 March 1938.

"Sklarevski Concert Was Well Received."  The Evening Capital, 4 March 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice To Host Jurists Tonight."  The Evening Capital, 5 March 1938.

"Former Gov. and Mrs. Pinchot Guests of Gov. and Mrs. Nice."  The Evening Capital, 19 March 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Attend Kiwanis Club Celebration."  The Evening Capital, 23 March 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Honored at Luncheon Today."  The Evening Capital, 28 March 1938.

"Gov. Harry W. Nice Honor Guest At Bridge Luncheon."  The Evening Capital, 8 April 1938.

"Governor Harry W. Nice in Philadelphia."  The Evening Capital, 9 April 1938.

"Governor and His Family To Spend Easter at Atlantic City."  The Evening Capital, 15 April 1938.

"Governor Returns From Atlantic City."  The Evening Capital, 20 April 1938.

"Governor And Mrs. Nice Honor Guests At Banquet."  The Evening Capital, 6 May 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Spending Week-end In Frederick."  The Evening Capital, 7 May 1938.

"Naval Set Guests At Government House May 17."  The Evening Capital, 14 May 1938.

"Governor To Entertain Staff at Dinner."  The Evening Capital, 20 May 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Honor Guests at Luncheon."  The Evening Capital, 25 May 1938.

"Governor Entertaining Staff At Dinner Last Night."  The Evening Capital, 27 May 1938.

"Being Governor Means Long Working House But Nice Likes Job." The Evening Capital, 28 May 1938.

"Gov. And Mrs. Nice At Roosevelt Park."  The Evening Capital, 14 June 1938.

"Governor To Fete Nephew And Bride."  The Evening Capital, 15 June 1938.

"Garden, At Government House, Place Of Beauty."  The Evening Capital, 20 June 1938.

"Governor And Mrs. Nice At Atlantic City, N.J."  The Evening Capital, 30 June 1938.

"Governor And Mrs. Nice Guests At Pitts Home."  The Evening Capital, 12 July 1938.

"Mrs. Nice Tends Garden And Feeds Gold Fish."  The Evening Capital, 29 July 1938.

"Terrapin Escapes Governor's Pond."  The Evening Capital, 1 August 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice At Regatta."  The Evening Capital, 8 August 1938.

"Governor and Mrs. Nice Hosts At Party."  The Evening Capital, 14 September 1938.

"President Was Greeted Here Enroute Home From Denton."  The Evening Capital, 6 September 1938.

"Roosevelt Dines With Nice."  The Afro American, 10 September 1938.

"Nice Faces Voters On His Record."  The Evening Capital, 30 September 1938.

Visit of Anthony Eden to Annapolis, December, 1938:
"Anthony Eden To Pay Respects At Grave Of Ancestor."  The Evening Capital, 12 December 1938.
"Noted Group To Welcome Eden Here." The Evening Capital, 13 December 1938.
"Eden To Visit Annapolis Tomorrow," "Ancestor of Eden Helped Colonists Documents Show."  The Evening Capital, 14 December 1938.
"St. Anne's And Governor Eden." The Evening Capital, 14 December 1938.
"Toast To King Marks Visit of Anthony Eden."  The Evening Capital, 15 December 1938.
"Eden's Life Here."  The Evening Capital, 15 December 1938.

"Former Governor Nice Dies of Heart Attack," The Evening Capital, 25 February 1941.

Obituary of Governor Nice, The Baltimore Sun, 26 February 1941.

"Former Governor Dies; Funeral for Nice to be held Friday."  The Baltimore Sun, 26 February 1941.

Other Materials -

Journal of Proceedings of the House of Delegates of Maryland, Special Session, 1936.  Baltimore: 1936.

Maryland Manual 1938.  Baltimore:  Secretary of State, 1938.

Marquis, Albert N.  Who Was Who in America 1897-1942.  Chicago, IL:  A.N. Marquis Co., 1943.

"Report of Governor Harry W. Nice to the Maryland General Assembly, March 6, 1936 in Connection with the Rebuilding, Remodeling and Refurnishing of the Executive Mansion."  In Journal of Proceedings of the House of Delegates in Maryland, Special Session, 1936.  Annapolis:  1936.

Tercentenary History of Maryland.  Vol. II.  Chicago:  S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925.

White, Frank F., Jr. The Governors of Maryland 1777-1970.  Annapolis:  The Hall of Records Commission, 1970.

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