Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Elihu E. Jackson (1837-1907)
MSA SC 3520-1472


Books -

Andrews, Matthew Page.  History of Maryland.  Reprint edition, Hatboro, Pa., 1965.

Buchholz, Heinrich E. Governors of Maryland from the Revolution to the Year 1908.  2d. edBaltimore:  Williams & Wilkins Company, 1908.

Eisenberg, Gerson G. Marylanders Who Served the Nation:  A Biographical Dictionary of Federal Officials from Maryland.  Annapolis:  Maryland State
    Archives, 1992.

White, Frank F., Jr.  The Governors of Maryland 1777-1970.  Annapolis:  The Hall of Records Commission, 1970.

Newspaper articles -

"The Inauguration."  The Evening Capital, 12 January 1888.

"Governor Jackson."  The Evening Capital, 12 January 1888.

"Governor Jackson's Reception."  The Evening Capital, 12 January 1888.

"A Brilliant Affair."  The Evening Capital, 4 February 1888.

"Greeting The Governor."  The Evening Capital, 8 February 1888.

"State Dinner."  The Evening Capital, 13 February 1888.

Wicomico News, January 2, 1908.

Other sources -

Elihu E. Jackson, Governor, William Pinkney Whyte, Attorney-General, and others vs. John Carroll Walsh, and others.  Court of Appeals of Maryland.
        75 Md. 304; 23 A. 778; 1892 Md. LEXIS 71.

Inaugural Address of Hon. Elihu E. Jackson, Governor of Maryland, January 11th, 1888.  Annapolis, 1888.

Maryland State Archives. Wicomico County Marriage Records. (CM 1064-1).

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