Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Enoch Louis Lowe
MSA SC 3520-1460

Governor of Maryland, 1851-1854



Andrews, Matthew Page. Tercentary History of Maryland, Four Volumes., 1925.

Clark,  Charles B.  The Civil War in Maryland.  Baltimore, 1952.

Eisenberg, Gerson G. Marylanders Who Served the Nation: A Biographical Dictionary of Federal Officials from Maryland (Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1992.

National Biographical Publishing Company. Biographical Cyclopedia of Representative Men of Maryland and the District of Columbia. 1879.

Warfield, J.D.  Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland.  Westminster, MD: Family Line Publications, 1990.

White, Frank F., Jr. The Governors of Maryland, 1777-1970.  Annapolis: Hall of Records Commission, 1970.

Newspaper/magazine articles-

The Baltimore Sun, 20 January 1885.

The Baltimore Sun, 24 August, 1892.

Other Sources-

Brewer,  James H. Fitzgerald. "Democracy to Mobocracy, 1837-1860," in Morris L. Radoff, The Old Line State.  Hopkinsville, Ky., 1956.

Chapter 100, Acts of 1822; Chapter 52, Acts of 1830.

Maryland Historical Society (Lowe Family Papers) MS 1949:

    Maryland Historical Society MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION ("Autobiography of Esther Lowe").

    Genealogical Records, Lowe-Polk-Magruders family.

Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Biographical Files), Governor Enoch Louis Lowe, MSA SC 3520-1460, 2/11/11/08.

Message of the Executive to the General Assembly, January 1853.  Annapolis, 1853.

Message of the Executive to the General Assembly, January 1852.  Annapolis, 1852.

Message of the Executive to the General Assembly, January 1854.  Annapolis, 1854.

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