Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

William Paca (1740-1799)
MSA SC 3520-965
Governor of Maryland, 1782-1785


Newspaper Articles -

Maryland Gazette, June 2, 1763.

Maryland Gazette, June 30, 1774.

Other Materials -

Contract Archaeology, Inc., The Paca House, Annapolis, Maryland:  A Historical Archaeology Study for Historic
        Annapolis, Inc.  (Processed , 1967).

House Journal, April Session, 1783.

Eisenberg, Gerson G.  Marylanders Who Served the Nation:  A Biographical Dictionary of Federal Officials from
        Maryland.  Annapolis:  Maryland State Archives, 1992.

Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Biographical Files) Governor William Paca File, MSA SC 1138-965, 2/11/12/57.

Papenfuse, Edward C., et. al., "William Paca," in A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland
        Legislature, 1635-1789.  vol. II:  I-Z.  Baltimore:  The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979:  632-635.

Russo, Jean B.  "William Paca's Education:  The Making of an Eighteenth-Century Gentleman and American Patriot."  Annapolis, MD:  Historic Annapolis

Stiverson, Gregory A. and Phebe R. Jacobsen.  William Paca: A Biography.  Maryland:  Maryland Historical Society, 1976.

White, Frank F., Jr.  The Governors of Maryland 1777-1970.  Annapolis:  The Hall of Records Commission, 1970.

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