Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Samuel Chase (1741-1811)
MSA SC 3520-235
Signer of the Declaration of Independence


Archival sources -

BALTIMORE COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Inventories) Samuel Chase, Volume 27 pp. 88-93 [MSA CM155-27, WK 1066-1067-2]

Newspaper/Journal Articles -

Beirne, Rosamond R., "The Reverend Thomas Chase:  Pugnacious Parson,"  Maryland Historical Magazine, 59 (1964):  1-14.

Burdett, Hal. "Sam Chase, 'bacon-face,' spreading spirit of revolution." The Evening Capital, 27 September 1974.

Haw, James A. "Samuel Chase's 'Objections to the Federal Government.'"  Maryland Historical Magazine 76 (September 1981):  272-285.

Books -

Barnes, Robert.  Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette 1727-1839.  Baltimore:  Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1979.

Beirne, Francis.  St. Paul's Parish Baltimore:  A Chronicle of the Mother Church.  Baltimore:  1967.

Beirne, Rosamond Randal and John Henry Scarff, William Buckland 1734-1774 Architect of Virginia and Maryland.  Baltimore:  The Maryland Historical
        Society, 1958.

Eisenberg, Gerson G. Marylanders Who Served the Nation: A Biographical Dictionary of Federal Officials from Maryland. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State
        Archives, 1992.

Haw, James, et al.  Stormy Patriot:  The Life of Samuel Chase.  Baltimore:  Maryland Historical Society, 1980

McIntire, Robert H.  Annapolis Maryland Families.  Baltimore:  Gateway Press, Inc, 1979.

Papenfuse, Edward C., et al., "Samuel Chase," in A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature 1635-1789, Vol. I, A-H (Baltimore:  The Johns
        Hopkins University Press, 1979), 214-216.

Papenfuse, Edward C. In Pursuit of Profit:  The Annapolis Merchants in the Era of the American Revolution, 1763-1805.  Baltimore:  The Johns Hopkins
        University Press, 1975.

Scharf, J. Thomas.  History of Baltimore City and County including Biographical Sketches of Representative Men.  Philadelphia:  Louis H. Everts, 1881.

-----.  History of Western Maryland.  2 vols. Baltimore:  Regional Publishing Company, 1968.

University of Pennsylvania, Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of the College 1749-1893.  Philadelphia:  1894.

Weeks, Christopher.  Where Land and Water Intertwine: An Architectural History of Talbot County, Maryland.,, 1984.

Other Materials -

Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Biographical Files), Samuel Chase, MSA SC 3520-235, 02/11/12/12.

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