Maryland State Archives
Biographical Files

Jeremiah Townley Chase (1748-1828)
MSA SC 3520-234


Primary -

Maryland State Archives ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills) Liber JG 39 folio 362, 1828, MSA CM122.

Maryland State Archives ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Inventories) Liber 64 folio 547, 1828, MSA CM105.

Maryland State Archives SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Biographical Files), Jeremiah Townley Chase File [MSA SC 3520-234, 2/11/12/12]

Transcript of letter from A.C. Hanson to Tench Coxe, Annapolis, 19 April 1788.  Coxe Family Papers, Tench Coxe Section.

Transcript of letter from Samuel Smith to Tench Coxe, Baltimore, 28 April 1788.  Coxe Family Papers, Tench Coxe Section.

Books -

Beirne, Francis, St. Paul's Parish Baltimore:  A Chronicle of the Mother Church Baltimore:  St. Paul's Parish, 1967.

Beirne, Rosamond R. and Edith Bevan.  Hammond-Harwood House and Its Owners.  Annapolis:, 1941.

Bond, Carroll T.  The Court of Appeals of Maryland:  A History.  Baltimore:  The Barton-Gillet Company, 1928.

Eisenberg, Gerson G.  Marylanders Who Served the Nation.  Annapolis:  The Maryland State Archives, 1992.

Papenfuse, Edward C., ed.  Archives of Maryland New Series I:  An Historical List of Public Officials of Maryland.  Vol. 1: 1632 - 1990.
        Annapolis:  Maryland State Archives, 1990.

Papenfuse, Edward C., et al. A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789. Vol 1. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979), 212-214,

Warfield, J.D.  The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland:  A Genealogical and Biographical Review from wills, deeds
        and church records. Baltimore: Regional Publishing Company, 1967.

Articles -

White, T.W.  "Jeremiah T. Chase," Southern Literary Messenger IV No. 6 (June 1838).

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