Subsection (c) is new language based on
Article 66C, section 698(b), as amended by
Chapter 427, S.B. 737, Acts of 1973. This
section, amended in 1971, establishes
licensing provisions for shaft and patent
tonging and dredging in the waters of the
State and, thus, supersedes the previously
enacted inconsistent licensing provisions
of Article 66C, sections 700, 702, and 703.
These provisions of sections 700, 702, and
703, inadvertently retained in the present
Code when section 698 (b) was amended in
1971, are proposed for deletion in this
subtitle. The dredging license required by
present section 698 (b) allows its possessor
to dredge "in the waters of the State" and
abrogates the necessity of obtaining both a
Chesapeake Bay dredging license and a
county dredging license formerly required
under sections 702 and 703.
Subsection (d) is new language derived from
various present provisions. It is stated
here for organizational purposes and
deleted elsewhere.
Subsection (e) is new language derived from
Article 66C, section 700(a) and (b) of the
Code, as amended by Chapter 9, S.B. 346,
Acts of 1973, which are proposed for
deletion here. The substance of these
provisions is retained despite the 1971
amendment to present section 698. Although
the licensing fees in section 698
superseded any others, the license fee
exemptions in section 700 were not
similarly affected because the 1971
amendment did not relate to exemptions in
any way.
Subsection (f) is new language derived from
the last sentence of Article 66C, section
698 (b) of the Code. The substance of this
subsection was enacted as part of the 1971
amendment and, consequently, supersedes the
provisions of Article 66c, section 700,
702, and 703 relating to license
applications and the issuing of licenses
for shaft and patent tonging and dredging
in the Chesapeake Bay and certain county