27—1, title "Annual allowance to fire departments,"
existing Section 27-4, title "Annual audits of books
of fire departments and fire boards—Required,"
Section 27-5, title "Same—Failure to file," of
Chapter 27, title "In General"; Section 28-1, title
"Fire area defined; annual levy for expenses;
procedure for making levy; treasurer's duties, etc.,"
Section 28-2, title "Retirement plan for employees
generally," Section 28—3, title "Primary
responsibility and authority for fire protection in
area," of Chapter 28, title "Bethesda"; Section 29-1,
title "Area defined," Section 29-2, title "Annual
levy; treasurer's bond, etc.," Section 29-3, title
"Submission of requests for funds," of Chapter 29,
title "Burtonsville"; existing Section 30—1, title
"Area defined; annual levy; treasurer's bond, duties,
etc.," of Chapter 30, title "Cabin John Park."; Section
31-1, title "Area defined; annual levy; treasurer's
duties and bond; retirement of employees"; of Chapter
31, title "Chevy Chase"; Section 32-2, title "Area
further defined; annual levy; treasurer's bond and
duties," of Chapter 32, title "Conduit Road Fire
Board"; Section 33—1, title "Area defined," Section
33—2, title "Annual levy; treasurer's duties, bond,
etc.," Section 33—3, title "Requests for funds and
granting same not mandatory," of Chapter 33, title
"Damascus"; existing Section 34—1, title "Area
defined," Section 34-2, title "Annual levy;
treasurer's duties, bond, etc.," Section 34-3, title
"Requests for funds and granting same not mandatary,"
of Chapter 34, title "Gaithersburg-Washington Grove";
Section 36-1, title "Area defined," Section 36-2,
title "Annual levy, treasurer's duties; bond," Section
36—3, title "Submission of requests for funds;
granting not mandatory," of Chapter 36, title
"Hyattstown"; existing Section 37-1, title "Area
defined; annual levy; special levy under certain
conditions; treasurer's duties; bond," of Chapter 37,
title "Kensington"; Section 38-1, title "Area
defined,'" Section 38-2, title "Annual levy;
treasurer's duties, bond, etc.," Section 38-3, title
"Submission of requests for funds; granting not
mandatory," of Chapter 38, title "Laytonsville";
Section 39-1, title "Area defined," Section 39-2,
title "Annual levy; treasurer's duties; bond," Section
39—3, title "Submission of requests for funds;
granting not mandatory," of Chapter 39, title
"Rockville"; Section 40-1, title "Area defined,"
Section 40—2, title "Annual levy; treasurer's duties;