MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1973
of Appeals of Maryland. No member of the Commission shall be eligible for
appointment to fill any vacancy in appellate judicial office during the term for
which he shall have been chosen.
The Commission shall seek, receive and review recommendations and
information concerning the qualifications of proposed nominees for appellate
judicial office. The Commission shall notify the Maryland State Bar Association,
Inc., the county or city bar associations in the circuit in which the vacancy in
judicial office shall exist or all such associations if it shall be at large, and such
other bar or citizens organizations as the Commission may deem appropriate, of
the existence of such vacancy, and shall request recommendations therefrom. The
Commission may also seek recommendations from other interested citizens and
from among its members.
The Commission shall evaluate proposed nominees as fully qualified or not fully
qualified; and shall select and recommend for appointment, by a majority vote of
its entire membership, from among those persons it shall have found to be fully
qualified, not less than five nor more than seven persons for each vacancy in an
appellate judicial office. However, if the position to be filled in an appellate
judicial office is held by an incumbent judge who is eligible for reappointment and
who desires reappointment, the Commission may, with the approval of the
Governor, recommend less than five persons for such position. The Commission
shall report to the Governor only the names of those persons so selected, in
alphabetical order, and not more than thirty days prior to or sixty days after such
vacancy shall occur. If any person so recommended shall notify the Governor of
his unwillingness to accept appointment, the Governor may request the
Commission to submit additional recommendations.
The Commission, with the approval of the Governor, shall adopt such rules for
the conduct of its meetings and for its procedures as it may from time to time
deem necessary and proper.
WHEREAS, An Executive Order was promulgated on July 6, 1970, establishing
the Governor's Commission on Appellate Judicial Selection, to make
nominations and recommendations to the Governor of such persons as the
Commission deems most qualified to fill vacancies on the appellate courts; and
WHEREAS, The Executive Order creating the Governor's Commission on
Appellate Judicial Selection set forth the reasons for the establishment of said
Commission, and particularly my belief that the high quality of our judiciary
can best be maintained through the use of a nominating commission to aid the
Governor in the performance of his constitutional duty to appoint duly qualified
persons to the courts; and
WHEREAS, The same reasons underlying the establishment of a nominating
commission for judicial vacancies on the appellate courts, are fully applicable to
judicial vacancies on the trial courts of this State;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marvin Mandel, Governor of Maryland, do hereby
create and establish a Governor's Commission on Trial Court Judicial Selection