2. "Agency head" means the chairman or the chief executive officer or
administrative officer of each of the State agencies.
3. "Assist" means to act. or offer or agree to act, in such a way as to help, aid,
advise, furnish information to, or otherwise provide assistance to another person
believing that such action is of help, aid, advice, or assistance to such a person and
intending so to assist such person.
4. "Confidential information" means material or significant information
received by an officer or employee by reason of or in the course of his relationship
with an agency which is not intended at the time received to be made public and as
to which the officer or employee is bound to act for the benefit of the agency and
not for his own benefit.
5. "Entity" means any individual, partnership, association, corporation, firm,
institute, trust, foundation, or other organization (other than the State or an
agency thereof) whether or not operated for profit.
6. "Financial interest" means (a) ownership of more than three per cent (3%)
of the invested capital or capital stock of any entity, (b) ownership of securities or
obligations of any type which are or may become equivalent to or convertible into
ownership of more than three per cent (3%) of the invested capital stock of any
entity, or (c) ownership of any interest or involvement in any relationship from or
as a result of which the owner has, within the past three years, received, or is
presently or in the future entitled to receive more than one thousand dollars
($1,000) per year.
7. "Direct financial interest" means a financial interest owned or possessed by
an officer or employee, his spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister.
8. "Participate", in connection with a transaction involving the State or a
transaction involving an agency, means to participate as a State officer or
employee in any proceeding, decision, determination, finding, ruling, order, grant,
payment, award, license, contract, transaction, sanction, or approval, or the denial
thereof, or failure to act with respect thereto, personally and substantially through
approval, disapproval, decision, recommendation, the rendering of advice,
investigation, or otherwise.
9. "Transaction involving the State" or "Transaction involving the agency"
means any proceeding, application, submission, request for ruling or other
determination, contract, claim, case, or other such particular matter which the State
officer or employee in question believes or has reason to believe (a) is one to which the
State or an agency thereof is or will be a party, or (b) is one in which the State or an
agency thereof has a direct and substantial proprietary interest.
Article III.
Standards of Ethical Conduct for
State Officers and Employees
It shall be considered unethical for any State officer or employee:
1. To accept, seek, solicit, or take directly or indirectly, any gift or benefit of
more than insignificant economic value, including money, any service, gratuity, fee,
property, loan, promise, or anything else of more than insignificant economic value
from or on behalf of any individual or entity who is doing or is seeking to do
business of any kind with the State or whose activities are regulated or controlled
in any way by the State, and the officer or employee has knowledge of such facts,
under circumstances from which the officer or employee could reasonably have
inferred that the gift or benefit was intended to influence such officer or employee
in the performance of his official duties and under circumstances from which it is
reasonable to assume that the officer or employee would be influenced in the
performance of his official duties.