MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1955
Executive Department
January 7
, 1969
June 9,
Chapter 68, Acts of 1973, effective June 1, 1973, added certain provisions to
Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland requiring the publication of
specified executive orders in the annual session laws.
In general, the orders required to be published are those issued by the Governor
pursuant to Article II, Section 24 of the Constitution or Sections 3A, 14A, 15B or
15C of Article 41 of the Code; orders establishing task forces, boards,
commissions, or study units; orders promulgating rules of conduct or procedure for
State employees or agencies, and orders involving substantial reorganizations of
executive branch agencies. Chapter 68 also requires the publication of certain of
these orders in the Code.
Section 4 of Chapter 68 provides that with respect to the initial publication of
executive orders in the 1973 session laws, all pertinent orders issued since January
7, 1969 (the beginning of Governor Mandel's term) and still in effect on June 9,
1973, shall be included.
This portion of the 1973 session laws includes the executive orders required to
be published by Chapter 68, except for three published elsewhere. These three are
the order of May 1, 1971, which appears as Chapter 29, Laws of 1971, the order
of February 25, 1972, which appears as Chapter 7, Laws of 1972, and the order of
February 24, 1973, which appears as Joint Resolution 2, Laws of 1973.
The orders appear in chronological order.