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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 1870   View pdf image
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1870                                      JOINT RESOLUTIONS

(1)  The feasibility of consolidating the historical and cultural agencies of the
State under a unified division of government

(2)   If such a unification is deemed advisable, the study should embrace a
recommendation for the allocation of this form of government to a particular
Department in the Executive Branch

(3)  An analysis of the efficacy of the Civil Service or Merit System for State
Employees in the agencies covered by the Division or Department of Historical
and Cultural Affairs; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the committee report its findings and recommendations to
the Legislative Council on or before October 1, 1973.

Approved May 21, 1973.

No. 39
(Senate Joint Resolution 28)

Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Harford County Health Planning
Commission to conduct, in cooperation and coordination with appropriate
State, regional and local agencies and organizations, a comprehensive and
detailed study of all present health and medical services, personnel and facilities
in Harford County, prepare a comprehensive health plan for Harford County
together with any recommendations deemed appropriate for health and medical
services, personnel and facilities to meet future needs and growth of the
residents of Harford County, to request that the County Executive and County
Council of Harford County furnish financial support, technical services,
information and data to assist with the study and comprehensive health plan,
and to provide that such plan and any recommendations, upon completion, be
presented to the County Executive and County Council of Harford County.

WHEREAS, All of the residents of Harford County need and are entitled to
both satisfactory and accessible health and medical services, personnel and
facilities in order to ensure their well-being; and

WHEREAS, There are areas of Harford County where a shortage of
satisfactory and accessible health and medical services, personnel and facilities
exists which results in the residents of such areas experiencing considerable delay
and inconvenience in obtaining such services, personnel and facilities and which, in
time of emergency or infirmity, threatens their life and well-being; and

WHEREAS, There is a lack of any comprehensive study and planning for
health and medical services, personnel and facilities in Harford County to furnish
the necessary information and data to properly uncover and fulfill the needs for
such satisfactory and accessible health and medical services, personnel and facilities
throughout Harford County; and

WHEREAS, The Harford County Health Planning Commission has the
authority to study and provide for comprehensive county planning for health and
medical services, personnel and facilities and to do so in cooperation with other
State and local agencies and organizations; now, therefore, be it


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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 1870   View pdf image
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