from the four years of actual drugstore experience aforesaid, for the actual time of
attendance at a reputable school or college of pharmacy or an internship program
to be regulated by said Board be served. Such person shall make application to the
secretary of said Board at least ten days before any stated meeting of the Board
and shall pay to the said Board a fee of forty dollars.
No applicant for examination before the Board of Pharmacy having the other
qualifications herein set forth shall be disapproved because he took his course of
studies at a night school or college and nothing in this subtitle shall be held to
abridge or abrogate the rights and privileges heretofore conferred by law upon any
person now registered as assistant pharmacist in this State.
Any person enrolling as a student of pharmacy in any school or college of
pharmacy in this State shall, not later than thirty days after so enrolling, file with
the secretary of the Maryland Board of Pharmacy, an application for registration
as a student of pharmacy in which said application he shall be required to furnish
such information as the Board may deem appropriate, and simultaneously with the
filing of said application, shall pay to the Board a fee of one dollar; all such
students of pharmacy shall, at the beginning of any subsequent school or college
year, submit to the said Board a sworn statement of any and all actual drugstore
experience acquired during the preceding vacation months or an internship
experience acquired during the preceding year as requested by the Board.
Any applicant for licensing as a funeral director and embalmer must be a
person of good moral character, [twenty-one] EIGHTEEN years of age or over,
and free from habits liable to interefere with the performance of the duties of
funeral director and embalmer. He must have had at least two years' practical
experience as an apprentice funeral director and embalmer, under a licensed
funeral director and embalmer in this State. As an apprentice he must have
assisted at not fewer than twenty funerals and must have assisted in embalming not
fewer than twenty dead bodies. He must also have registered as an apprentice with
the State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers of Maryland at the time he
began his apprenticeship; and he must have a high school education or the
equivalent thereof and must be a graduate of a regular recognized college of
embalming whose course of instruction is not less than nine months comprising 840
hours of study.
Every person, not exempt by Section 374, desiring to begin the practice of
optometry in this State shall pass an examination before said Board of Examiners,
in such subjects and under such rules and regulations as shall from time to time be
adopted by said Board. Such examination may in the discretion of said Board,
embrace all subjects relative to optics and optometry contained in textbooks or
that are now or may hereafter be taught in high-grade educational institutions
teaching optics and optometry and kindred subjects, and shall include the anatomy,
physiology and pathology of the eye, the use of all instruments used in making
examination of the eye, and such other subjects as said Board may deem advisable.
Any applicant for examination must not be under [twenty-one] EIGHTEEN years
of age, and must be of good moral character, and must give evidence which shall
be satisfactory to the Board of Examiners of having had preliminary scholastic and
professional education equal to such standard as may be adopted by said Board.
Such scholastic and professional standards may, in the discretion of said Board, be
changed from time to time to meet the demands of the profession. Information as
to the scholastic and professional standard adopted by said Board shall be
furnished to any person upon his written request and shall include any change