without diminution or loss of any benefits to which entitled prior to July 1, [1972]
1973. They shall be credited with the years of service rendered in Prince George's
County or Baltimore City for purposes of determining compensation rates,
including longevity steps, and the basic rates for annual leave and sick leave.
(b) Whenever any classified employee shall be dismissed from the classified
service for any cause involving moral turpitude, such employee shall forfeit all
unused vacation time and compensation for all unused vacation leave. Whenever
the services of any classified employee shall be terminated within SIX (6) months
from the date of his original appointment to the classified service, such employee
shall not be entitled to any vacation leave or compensation for vacation leave.
Subject to the exceptions hereinbefore set forth, every classified employee, upon
the termination of his service as a classified employee, shall be entitled to receive a
sum equivalent to one tenth of his established biweekly amount of compensation at
the time his employment terminates, multiplied by the number of days of his
earned and unused annual leave which was accumulated as of the end of the last
calendar year preceding termination (subject to a maximum accumulation of thirty
working days) and the number of days of annual leave and no more than two days
compensatory leave earned and unused during the calendar year in which
employment is terminated.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1973.
Approved May 21, 1973.
(House Bill 781)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Subsection (f) of Section 219
of Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replacement Volume)
title "Natural Resources," subtitle "Birds, Game and Fish," subheading "Game
and Freshwater Fish," removing the qualification that a person shall reside in
the State for a specified period of time in order to obtain an angler's license.
MARYLAND, That Subsection ( of Section 219 of Article 66C of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replacement Volume), title "Natural
Resources," subtitle "Birds, Game and Fish," subheading "Game and Freshwater
Fish," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as
(f) For the purpose of this subheading, a resident shall be a person who [has
resided] RESIDES in this State [six (6) months immediately preceding] ON the
date of application; but, in Garrett County, any person owning property located in
the county having an assessed valuation of $500.00 or more, and also any member
of his immediate family shall be treated as a resident of Garrett County for the
purposes of procuring a license to fish in Deep Creek Lake only and in no other
waters. Provided further, all persons regularly enlisted or commissioned as officers
in the Armed Forces of the United States and officially stationed in Maryland,