Marvin Mandel, Governor 653
be the duty of [said] the sheriff [and constable] to apprehend him
and carry him before a [justice of the peace of] commissioner of
the District Court in the county.
26. Penalty for doing business without license.
If it shall appear to [said justice] the District Court judge that
said hawker or peddler has bought, traded, bartered or sold or offered
to buy, trade, barter or sell any goods, wares or merchandise, with-
out license, he shall impose a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars
nor less than twenty-five dollars to be recovered as other fines are re-
coverable [and to be paid to the clerk of the circuit court or Court
of Common Pleas of Baltimore City].
95. Fraud in sale of gasoline, oil or grease in Allegany or Wash-
ington counties.
The boards of county commissioners in and for Allegany and Wash-
ington counties shall have authority to revoke licenses granted under
§ 32 to any firm, person or corporation maintaining a place in such
counties for the sale to the public of gasoline, oil or grease for use
in motor vehicles, should the holder of such license, or any of his
or its agents and employees have been found guilty [before] in a
[justice of the peace or in any criminal] court of competent juris-
diction of this State, of fraud in the sale of gasoline, oil or grease,
or of obtaining money under false pretenses, or misrepresentation, or
conspiracy to defraud arising out of the sale of any of such products.
Any license which shall have been so revoked may in the discretion
of the board of county commissioners be reissued after six months
from the date of its revocation but not before. During the period for
which such license is revoked, no other license shall be issued per-
mitting the sale of gasoline, oil or grease at the same place of busi-
ness where the board of county commissioners has reasonable grounds
to believe that to issue such license would have the effect of defeating
the purpose of this section. Any person, firm or corporation affected
by the revocation or the withholding of the issuance of any license
by the board of county commissioners under the provisions of this
section shall have the right of appeal to the circuit court of the
county in which the license is issued.
194. Administration and enforcement of subtitle; special provisions
as to certain counties.
(1) Regulations in Harford and Cecil counties; domestic ani-
mals which disturb peace and quiet; vicious domestic animals.
(2) It is unlawful in Harford County for any person to own or
keep a dog which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood
in an inhabited area, or which is vicious and bites any person. Upon
the sworn complaint before the [People's] District Court [of] sitting
in Harford County of any two or more persons of different households
alleging that a dog disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood
in an inhabited area of Harford County, or upon the sworn complaint
of any one or more persons that a dog is vicious and has bitten any
person, a summons shall issue to the owner or keeper of such dog to
appear before the [People's] District Court sitting in Harford
County. Upon proof that the dog disturbs the peace and quiet of
any neighborhood in an inhabited area, or is vicious and has bitten