Index 3143
Res. Page
Chorus of the Chesapeake—
To congratulate Chorus of the Chesapeake (Dundalk,
Maryland) for winning 1971 International Barber-
shopping Chorus Championship ........................................ 1 1833
Correctional Officers—
To request Legislative Council to study feasibility of
establishing equitable standard salary scale, including
fringe benefits, for correctional officers in State .......... 26 1905
Correctional Training Programs—
To request Governor to appoint commission to examine
possibility of instituting relevant training programs
in correctional facilities to prepare inmates for ready
employment ............................................................................ 50 1929
County-owned Buildings—
To request study of State agencies utilizing office facil-
ities in county-owned buildings ........................................ 24 1904
To request Governor to appoint commission to study
advisability of establishing Statewide Board of Exam-
iners and Supervisors of Master Electricians ................ 47 1925
Employees' Health Care Program Commission—
To request Employees Health Insurance Advisory Com-
mittee of Department of Personnel to establish an Em-
ployees' Health Care Program Commission to conduct
study of feasibility of including all employees in
Maryland in a health care program that would provide
maximum benefits of lowest cost to employee .............. 36 1913
Environmental Service (Maryland)—
To request Maryland Environmental Service to develop
and implement program to utilize sewage sludges to
improve soil quality and increase land reclamation ...... 21 1901
Equal Rights Amendment (U.S. Constitution)—
To ratify proposed amendment to U.S. Constitution re-
lating to equal rights under the law for men and
women .................................................................................... 34 1911
35 1912
To request Legislative Council to study feasibility of
establishing a training commission for firemen and
rescue squads ........................................................................ 29 1907
Flood Control—
To request the State Department of Water Resources to
survey needs of Herring Run (Baltimore) with respect
to water conservation, pollution abatement and flood
control .................................................................................... 2 1884