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3048 Index Chap. Page Calvert County—Oyster dredging ........................................ 206 726 Charles County— Crabs; use of crab pots limited ........................................ 314 891 Pheasant hunting; exception ............................................ 324 904 Clams and oysters—Right of any Marylander to take...... 677 1742 Committee of Watermen and Seafood Dealers or Processors—Powers and functions .................................. 656 1692 Crabs—Charles County; use of crab pots limited ............ 314 891 Deer—Two seasons for taking permitted; quota................ 561 1537 District Courts—Generally revising or repealing obsolete, inaccurate or inconsistent provisions relating to the implementation thereof ...................................................... 181 533 Errors corrected ........................................................................ 86 330 Fisheries Research and Development Fund—Restriction on purposes of expenditures ............................................ 649 1685 Foresters, Professional—Registration and regulation of 638 1662 Hospitals; list of names provided .................................... 321 902 Nonresident; fees ................................................................ 302 872 Interstate Environment Compact—Generally...................... 660 1702 Licenses—Hunting and fishing; generally ........................ 103 357 Natural clam bars—Not leasable by State .......................... 568 1546 Oil discharge, containment, control and clean-up ............ 356 1180 Oysters and clams— Calvert County; dredging ................................................ 206 726 Fees for licenses to take .................................................... 428 1330 Reclassification of natural oyster beds to barren bottom; publication requirement .................................................. 317 898 Right of any Marylander to take ...................................... 677 1742 Penalties for violations of matters within Department's jurisdiction ............................................................................ 243 801 Pesticides and pest control operators—Licensure and regulation of ........................................................................ 438 1344 Police officers of Department of Natural Resources— Authority to issue citations .............................................. 437 1343 Program Open Space—Generally extended and revised .... 626 1624 Publication of regulations—Local newspapers ................ 250 808 Publication of wildlife hunting regulations ...................... 465 1393 Recreation on private lands—Permitted under certain circumstances .................................................................... 579 1566 Seafood dealers and packers—Reports of their income not to be divulged ........................................................................ 15 56 Shore erosion control—Funding ........................................ 524 1476 Shore erosion control of State owned land ...................... 680 1744 Strip mining—Forbidden on State-owned land ................ 355 1179 Trees—Roadside; planting and care of................................ 290 856 Trespass—Operating off-road vehicles on privately or State-owned property; prohibited .................................... 703 1782 Wetlands—State and private; delineation of landowned boundaries required ............................................................ 414 1307 See also Environment, Hunting, Licenses and Pollution. Natural Resources Complex—Annapolis— Bond funds for ........................................................................ 179 496,497
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