2852 County Local Laws
after May 1, 1970 must exercise this option within ninety (90) days
of the effective date of this Law or immediately upon reappointment
to the County service.
(u) "Credited Service for Qualified County Service not credited
under the Employees' Retirement System of the State of Maryland."
Each present member and each member retiring on or after May 1,
1970 who was employed during the period of time that Montgomery
County employees were covered by the Employees' Retirement System
of the State of Maryland may be credited for any qualified service
for which he was not credited because of a waiting period rule.
There shall be no charge to the employee for any such service credit
up to one month. For each month in excess of one month the em-
ployee shall be required to pay into the Employees' Retirement System
of Montgomery County that amount of money which he would have
paid into the Employees' Retirement System of the State of Maryland
had he actually been an active member thereof during such period
with four and one-half (4½%) percent interest from the date of em-
ployment to June 30, 1970, then six and one-half (6½%) percent in-
terest thereafter for each year from June 30, 1970 to date of full pay-
ment for such credited service. To be credited for any period of such
service in excess of one month the employee must make application
not later than June 30, 1971 or forfeit this right. Any period of
time less than fifteen (15) days is not purchasable or creditable.
Sec. 3. Sections 66(a), title "Average final earnings," and 66(d)
(2), title "Adjustment for pension payments previously paid" of Sec-
tion 66, title "Amount of Pension at Normal Retirement Date or
Early Retirement Date," Chapter 94, Montgomery County Code, 1965,
are hereby amended as follows:
(a) "Average final earnings." "Average final earnings" shall
mean the regular earnings of a member for the three consecutive
years of credited service as a member during his total period of
credited service for which his earnings were highest, or if he has
less than three years' service, then his average regular earnings for
his total service. For any member retiring on or after May 1, 1970
if the average final earnings are based upon a member's last three
(3) years' of service and such member was in leave-without-pay
status during a part of this period then the average earnings shall
mean the last thirty-six (36) months the employee was in full pay
status immediately preceding his retirement.
(d) "Adjustment for pension payments previously paid."
(2) If a Group A member who retires from the service of
the County under the provisions of this Article receives service con-
nected disability pension payments and such member subsequently
returns to work and re-enters this retirement system within five (5)
years of the date that his service connected disability retirement
commenced and prior to attaining age fifty-five (55), the number of