Montgomery County 2841
such bonds, and the interest thereon shall be payable primarily from
the taxes and other funds collected from the Bethesda Parking Lot
District pursuant to Title II, Chapter 44, of the Montgomery County
Code 1965, as now or hereafter amended, but if such taxes and other
funds are insufficient for such purpose, such bonds shall be payable
from unlimited ad valorem taxes levied upon all assessable property
within the County. Montgomery County, Maryland, hereby cove-
nants and agrees that in each and every fiscal year in which any of
said bonds are outstanding, it will levy or cause to be levied the special
taxes authorized by said Chapter 44 in an amount or amounts sufficient
to provide for the payment when due of the interest and principal of
such bonds becoming due in such fiscal year. If the amount of esti-
mated receipts from such special taxes, together with other revenues
for the payment of such principal and interest shall be insufficient to
pay such principal and interest, Montgomery County, Maryland,
hereby further covenants that it will levy or cause to be levied ad
valorem taxes upon all the legally assessable property within the
corporate limits of the County in rate and amount sufficient to pro-
vide for such payments; and in the event that the proceeds from such
special taxes and ad valorem taxes upon all the assessable property
within the County levied in any fiscal year, together with other
revenues available for the payment of the interest and principal of
such bonds, shall prove inadequate for the above purposes, it will levy
additional taxes in the succeeding fiscal year to make up any such
deficiency, all in accordance with Section 2-115 of the Montgomery
County Code 1965, as amended.
Section 4. The powers granted by this Act are additional and
cumulative and the bonds authorized by this Act may be issued not-
withstanding that other bond acts or laws may provide for the issu-
ance of other bonds or the borrowing of money for the same or
similar purposes on the same or other terms and conditions.
Sec. 4. Effective date.
This Act shall take effect on the 76th day following its enactment.
Effective: December 21, 1970
(BILL NO. 58-70)
AN ACT to amend Chapter 21 (Bill No. 22-69) of the Laws of
Montgomery County 1969 which authorized the issuance of bonds
for parking lots for the Silver Spring Parking Lot District by
repealing and reenacting with amendments Sec. 1 thereof and
by repealing in their entirety Sec. 2, Sec. 3, Sec. 4, Sec. 5, Sec.
6, Sec. 7, Sec. 8, Sec. 9 and Sec. 10 thereof and enacting in lieu