2650 County Local Laws
courses in planning or related field; or any equivalent combination of ex-
perience and training.
(39) Zoning Enforcement Officer
Graduation from accredited college or university, plus three (3) years
of experience in planning or zoning work, or graduation from a recognized
high school plus seven (7) years experience in zoning or related fields; col-
lege degree in planning or related field; plus three (3) years experience in
planning or zoning work; high school diploma plus seven (7) years ex-
perience in planning or zoning inspection, or any equivalent combination
of education and experience.
(40) Draftsman
Graduation from a recognized high school plus one (1) year en-
gineering design, preferably with courses in mechanical engineering or
related field; or one (1) year of an equivalent combination of experience
and training.
(41) Senior Draftsman
Graduation from high school plus two (2) years experience, pref-
erably supplemented by college training in engineering or related field; or
any equivalent combination of experience and training.
(42) Planning Technician
Graduation from high school plus two (2) years of experience in
drafting or design work preferably supplemented by additional courses
in drafting or related field; or any equivalent combination of experience
and training.
(43) Senior Planning Technician
Graduation from high school plus three (3) years of experience in
drafting, design or sub-professional planning work, preferably supple-
mented by additional courses in design or related field; or an equivalent
combination of experience and training.
(44) Assistant Planner
Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with
major work in planning, civil engineering or related field; or any equiva-
lent combination of experience and training.
(45) Associate Planner
Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with
major work in planning, civil engineering or related field; and two (2)
years of experience in comprehensive planning or land development; or
any equivalent combination of experience and training.
(46) Senior Planner
Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with
major work in planning, civil engineering or related field; and four (4)
years of experience in comprehensive planning or land development; pro-
vided that graduate study in a related field may be substituted for the ex-
perience requirement, on a year for year basis; or any equivalent combina-
tion of experience and training.