Baltimore County 2617
creditable service not in excess of thirty years; provided, that the
actuarial equivalent of such amount shall be payable in the event of
service retirement prior to normal service retirement age [sixty].
Any supplementary amounts paid under the provisions of this section
shall terminate upon the death of such employee, and shall not be
payable to his heirs at law, nor to any beneficiary or beneficiaries
named by such employee under his last will and testament or desig-
nated under the provisions of this article.
The county shall annually levy an amount sufficient to pay such
additional benefits as provided in this section.
Section 20-33. Same—Composition; term; manner of election of
elected members.
The board of trustees shall consist of seven [five] trustees as
(a) The county executive, ex officio
(b) The county director of finance, ex officio
(c) The county director of personnel, ex officio
(d) The county director of public works., ex officio
(e) The county chief of police department, ex officio
[(d)] (f) Two members of the retirement system, who shall
be elected BY THE MEMBERS for terms of four years in the manner
prescribed by the board of trustees.
Section 20-50. Same—Interest.
The board of trustees annually shall allow regular interest on the
mean amount for the preceding year in each of the funds set forth in
sections 20-54 to 20-60 of this Code, with the exception of the expense
fund. The amounts so allowed shall be due and payable to the funds,
and shall be annually credited thereto by the board of trustees from
interest and other earnings on the moneys of the retirement system.
Any additional amount required to meet the interest on the funds of
the retirement system shall be paid by the employer, and any excess
of earnings over such amount required shall be deductible from the
amounts to be contributed by the employer, except as provided in sub-
section (h) [(j)] of section 20-57 of this Code.
Regular interest shall earn such per cent rate or rates to be
compounded annually as shall be determined from time to time by the
board of trustees on the basis of the probable earnings of the system.
Such rate or rates shall be limited to a minimum of two per cent and
a maximum of five percent [four per cent].
Section 20-51. Same—Custodian; disbursement.
The director of finance [county treasurer] shall be the custodian
of the several funds set forth in sections 20-54 to 20-60 of this Code,
and he shall be required to give bond with such surety and for such
periods and in such amount as shall be determined by the board of
trustees. All payments from such funds shall be made by him or by