Baltimore County 2603
AN ACT to revise the descriptions and boundary lines of the First
and Thirteenth Election Districts of Baltimore County so as to
reflect a road closure and provide for the University of Maryland
Baltimore County Campus to be entirely within the First Election
District, by repealing subsections (a) and (m) of Section 9-2 of
the Baltimore County Code, 1968, title "Election Districts" and
enacting new subsections (a) and (m), under Section 9-2 of said
Code, in lieu thereof.
Whereas, the existing description and boundary lines of the
First Election District called to and along the centerline of Walker
Avenue which bisected a part of the University of Maryland Balti-
more County Campus; and
Whereas, the greater portion of Walker Avenue has been closed
by Executive Order dated November 8, 1968, which road closure
necessitates new boundary lines for said First Election District as
well as the Thirteenth Election District adjoining thereto.
Whereas, the County Council of Baltimore County, Maryland
deems it advisable to embrace the whole of said Campus in the First
Election District, there being no residents involved.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the County Council of Baltimore
County, Maryland, that subsections (a) and (m) of Section 9-2 of
the Baltimore County Code, 1968, title "Election Districts," be and
they are hereby repealed and new subsections (a) and (m) are
hereby enacted, under Section 9-2 of said Code and title, in lieu
thereof, all to read as follows:
Sec. 9-2. Boundary lines.
(a) First Election District. Beginning at the intersection of
the western boundary line of Baltimore City and Gwynn Oak
Avenue thence southwesterly along the centerline of Gwynn Oak
Avenue to its intersection with Dogwood Road, thence westerly along
the centerline of Dogwood Road to the Patapsco River thence
southerly and southeasterly along the center of the Patapsco River to
Gun Road, thence northeasterly along the centerline of Gun Road
to its intersection with Sulphur Spring Road, thence northeasterly
along the centerline of Sulphur Spring Road to its intersection with
Shelbourne Road, thence northeasterly along the centerline of Shel-
bourne Road to its intersection with the northeast property line of
the University of Maryland Baltimore County Campus, (UMBC)
thence northwesterly along said northeast property line to its inter-
section with Wilkens Avenue, thence northeasterly along the center-
line of Wilkens Avenue to its intersection with the southwestern
boundary line of Baltimore City, thence northwesterly along the
southwestern boundary line of Baltimore City to its intersection with
the western boundary line of Baltimore City, thence northerly along
said western boundary line of Baltimore City to the beginning.