2310 Municipal Charters
Resolution No. 31-71
Resolution to provide for the enlarging of the Corporate Bounda-
ries of the City of Rockville to include 3.35 acres, Lofstrand Tract.
WHEREAS, heretofore a petition has been presented to the Mayor
and Council of Rockville, proposing to enlarge the corporate boundaries
of the City of Rockville so as to include a tract of land known as the Lof-
strand property, containing 3.35 acres of land, more or less, located to the
northeast and southwest of proposed Gude Drive (between Route 28 and
Southlawn Lane) and generally north of existing corporate boundaries;
and thereafter upon verification of the requirements of subsection (c)
of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition, as
amended, had been complied with, a resolution was introduced proposing
to change the boundaries as requested in the Petition; and
WHEREAS, thereafter a public notice of said Resolution was pub-
lished not fewer than four times at not less than weekly intervals in the
Montgomery County Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in the
City of Rockville and the area to be annexed, the said notice specifying
that a public hearing would be held on said Resolution in the office of the
Mayor and Council at 10:15 P.M. on the 18th day of May, 1971; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of Rockville has fully considered
and deliberated the matters presented at said public hearing and has
determined that said Resolution should be adopted;
COUNCIL OF ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, That the following Resolution
adding # new section to the Charter of the City of Rockville, said new
section to be known as Section 81, Article I (to follow immediately after
Section 80, Article I thereof) and as Section 49-31xx, Montgomery County
Code, 1960 (to follow immediately after Section 49-31ww thereof), to
provide for the enlarging of the corporate boundaries of the City of
Rockville, be and the same is hereby adopted to become effective on the
13th day of August, 1971.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Mayor and Council of Rockville,
Maryland, that the boundaries of the City of Rockville are hereby extended
to include the following area, which is hereby added to said City:
All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County
of Montgomery, State of Maryland, and being more particularly described
as follows:
Beginning for the same at a stone found, said stone being also the
end of the 14th line of the property described in Liber 3365, Folio 516,
of the Montgomery County Land Records, and running thence with prop-
erty as described in Liber 1158, Folio 496 with courses adjusted to corre-
spond with corner markings found by field survey, (1) N 11° 40' 25" W,
405.92 feet; (2) N 10° 00' 35" E, 135.60 feet; (3) N. 11° 40' 25" W,
174.27 feet; (4) N 27° 58' 25" W, 36.30 feet; (5) S 86° 56' 35" W, 154.16
feet; (6) S 02° 47' 54" E, 783.22 feet; (7) N 76° 15' 25" E, 233.30 feet;
to the point of beginning, containing 3.35 acres of land, more or less.
Section 2. That all of the territory hereby annexed to the City of
Rockville and the persons residing thereon, shall, after the effective date
of this Resolution, be subject to all the laws, ordinances and regulations
of said City.