2242 Municipal Charters
(50) Quarantine.—To establish quarantine regulations in the inter-
ests of the public health.
(51) Regulations.—To adopt by ordinance and enforce within the
corporate limits police, health, sanitary, fire, building, plumbing, traffic,
speed, parking and other similar regulations not in conflict with the laws
of the State of Maryland or with this charter.
(52) Sidewalks.—To regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures
in, under or above the same; to require the owner or occupant of premises
to keep the sidewalks in front free from snow or other obstructions; to
prescribe hours for cleaning sidewalks.
(53) Sweepings.—To regulate or prevent the throwing or depositing
of sweepings, dust, ashes, offal, garbage, paper handbills, dirty liquids,
or other unwholesome materials into any public way or onto any public or
private property in the town.
(54) Taxicabs.—To license, tax and regulate public hackmen, taxi-
cab men, draymen, drivers, dabmen, porters and expressmen, and all other
persons pursuing like occupations.
(55) Vehicles.—To regulate and license wagons and other vehicles
not subject to the licensing powers of the State of Maryland.
(56) Voting machines.—To purchase, lease, borrow, install and main-
tain voting machines for use in town elections.
(57) Zoning.—To exercise the powers as to planning and zoning,
conferred upon municipal corporations generally in Article 66B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, subject, however, to the limitations and pro-
visions of said article.
(58) Saving clause.—The enumeration of powers in this section is not
to be construed as limiting the powers of the town to the several subjects
For the purpose of carrying out the powers granted in this subtitle
or elsewhere in this charter, the council may pass all necessary ordinances.
All the powers of the town shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by
this charter, or, if the manner be not prescribed, then in such manner as
may be prescribed by ordinance.
To insure the observance of the ordinances of the town, the council
shall have the power to provide that violation thereof shall be a misde-
meanor and shall have the power to affix thereto penalties of a fine not
exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for not exceed-
ing thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Any person subject
to any fine, forfeiture, or penalty by virtue of any ordinance passed under
the authority of this charter shall have the right of appeal within ten
days to the circuit court of the county in which the fine, forfeiture, or
penalty was imposed. The council may provide that, where the violation
is of a continuing nature and is persisted in, a conviction for one violation
shall not be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of the offense subse-
quent to the first or any succeeding conviction.