2198 Municipal Charters
WHEREAS, for convenience of reference, the Mayor and Council
of Hancock, a municipal corporation of the State of Maryland, has author-
ity in Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition), as amended, to enlarge the corporate boundaries of the municipal
corporation, and
WHEREAS, the area intended to be annexed is contiguous and ad-
joining to the existing corporate area as required by said Section 19 of
Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have obtained the consent for
the proposed annexation from one hundred per cent of the property own-
ers who own or reside in the area to be annexed and consent from the
owners of one hundred per cent of the assessed valuation of the proper-
ties located in the area to be annexed, which consents meet the require-
ments of said Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land; a copy of the consent (Agreement to Annex) dated March 18, 1968,
by and between Roy E. Pittman and Betty N. Pittman, his wife, and
James S. B. Resley and Margaret Resley, his wife, and the Mayor and
Council of Hancock, and is described by metes and bounds on a survey
description prepared by J. B. Ferguson and Co., Inc. attached to and
made a part of the consent agreement dated March 18, 1968, referred
to above.
Section 1. That the corporate boundary of the municipal corporation
of Hancock be enlarged and that the area described in the attached con-
sent to annex be annexed and become a part of the municipal corporation
of the Town of Hancock.
Section 2. That the Mayor and Council publish a notice not fewer
than four times in The Hancock News, describing the area to be annexed,
in conditions and circumstances applicable thereto and establish a time
and place of a public hearing to be set not less than fifteen days after
the fourth publication in said Hancock News.
A. G. Creek, Clerk
Approved, Daniel R. Fleming, Mayor
1968 Annexation
Resolution of the Mayor and Council of Hancock to enact the reso-
lution of March 19, 1968, pertaining to the annexation of a tract con-
tiguous to the City boundaries, and to specify the effective date of
said resolution.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council resolved to annex the area by
resolution dated March 19, 1968; and
WHEREAS, the required public notice of public hearing was pub-
lished weekly in the Hancock News four times from March 22, 1968, and
a copy of the resolution and a plat of the area to be annexed were posted
in the Municipal Office; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on April 29, 1968, at the
Municipal Building on High Street in Hancock;