1930 Joint Resolutions
ment on release, which would supplement the communities' needs,
and which would not compete with private business; and, be it
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor.
Approved May 26, 1972.
No. 51
(House Joint Resolution 101)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a com-
mission TASK FORCE to study and recommend changes in the
manner in which the State funds public education, and generally
relating thereto.
Whereas, The present state aid program for providing aid to
the counties and Baltimore City for education creates many inequi-
ties; and
Whereas, Recent court decisions have indicated that the Federal
Constitution requires each state to provide a state aid program for
education which will equalize the per pupil wealth disparities of the
subdivision so that each subdivision can provide equal educational
dollars with similar tax effort; and
Whereas, Various commissions and citizen groups have produced
a wealth of information as to the facts and figures relating to and
the need for increased state aid for public education based on a
more equitable distribution of the tax resources available to the State;
Whereas, Remedial legislation will require the cooperation of the
legislative and executive branches of government, especially as to
the financing of that legislation, now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Gover-
nor appoint a commission TASK FORCE to be composed of legisla-
tors and experts in the field of school financing representing all areas
of the State to develop implementing legislation to correct the in-
equities in the Maryland System of school financing IN ORDER TO
and to report its findings to the Governor and each member of the
General Assembly by no later than December 31, 1972; and, be it
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Governor
and to the State Superintendent of Schools.
Approved May 26, 1972.