Marvin Mandel, Governor 1925
The members of the General Assembly, being well aware that one
of the functions of a good legislator is to kill "bad" bills and that
this duty is often as important as enactment of "good" bills, send a
special word of appreciation to Ben Marsh for his help in this legis-
lative duty. Over the years, Ben Marsh has been an indefatigable
advocate of "good" bills and an implacable opponent of "bad" bills.
Members of the Legislature confess, also, that sometimes his defini-
tion of "good" and "bad" did not conform to their own individual
notions, but the legislators have all been impressed with the skill and
determination with which Ben Marsh could scuttle bills he thought
"bad." He has been the greatest Oriole of them all in compiling a
fantastic batting average while knocking off bills he felt unwise and
Every member of the General Assembly of Maryland joins enthu-
siastically in sending to Ben Marsh the high esteem and the affection-
ate regard of this General Assembly and of all the people of the
State of Maryland. He has been a great man to work with, and we
will miss him. At the same time, we know that he has richly earned
a pleasant and enjoyable retirement and send him every good wish;
now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the good
wishes and congratulations and the esteem and affection of every
member of the General Assembly are sent to Benjamin F. Marsh as
he retires from his position as Chief of the Income Tax Division;
and, be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland is requested to
send a copy of this Resolution to Ben Marsh under the Great Seal of
the State of Maryland as official indication of the General Assembly's
recognition of the great service and personality of Benjamin F. Marsh.
Approved May 26, 1972.
No. 47
(House Joint Resolution 76)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a Com-
mission to examine and study the advisability of establishing a
statewide Board of Examiners and Supervisors of Master Elec-
Whereas, There is a need throughout the State for competent elec-
trical contractors and master electricians; and
Whereas, The need for effective standards and regulations to gov-
ern those persons engaged in the business of installing, repairing or
altering electrical equipment for the generation, transmission, or
utilization of electrical energy; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor
appoint a Commission, composed of such members as he may deem
proper, to study the advisability of establishing a statewide Board of
Examiners and Supervisors of Master Electricians which shall set
forth standards and qualifications for licensing of Master Electri-