1454 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 506
the Commission line such property is connected to such other speci-
fied public system pursuant to Commission authorization, such prop-
erty shall be exempt from the imposition and collection of a Sanitary
District front foot benefit assessment until it is served by or connected
to the Commission's water or sanitary sewerage system, as the case
may be, and if such property is not within a drainage area or not
otherwise provided service, directly or indirectly, from a storm drain-
age system operated or maintained by the Commission, the Sanitary
District ad valorem tax shall also be exempted SUSPENDED,
with the exemption SUSPENSION terminating upon service by or
connection to any of the aforesaid systems of the Commission.
The provisions of this section relative to the exemption from front
foot benefit assessments of properties served by another public
water or sewer systems are not intended to, nor shall they,
supersede or modify the special provisions of subsections (c) and (d)
of Section (83-42; (71-1A) 19-42. (83-42; 71-1A) of this subtitle with
respect to the subdivision known as Calvert Manor. When the exemp-
tion or suspension condition is no longer applicable pursuant to the
provisions hereof which established the exemption or suspension,
[A] any land or property exempted from or with respect to which
there is a suspension of front foot benefit charges, shall be classified
for benefit charge assessment purposes, in its then current class, and
become liable to a benefit assessment charge at a rate and for a period
of time the same as properties first classified or assessed in that
year but not less than the rate and number of years which would
have applied at the time of exemption or suspension [, when the
exemption or suspension condition is no longer applicable pursuant to
provisions hereof which established such condition in the first in-
stance]. The receipts from benefit charge assessments for properties
with respect to which the benefit charge was exempted or suspended
for a period of years shall be used by the Commission to amortize any
bonds issued for the purpose of constructing the water and sewer
lines for which benefit charges are levied under the provisions of this
subtitle or for constructing other water and sanitary sewer lines for
which benefit charges are levied. Property with respect to which the
ad valorem tax is exempted SUSPENDED pursuant to the provisions
of this subsection shall, during the period of such exemption SUS-
PENSION only, be and considered as not within the taxing district of
the Sanitary District, as the taxing district is provided for in Section
83 89A; (71 38A) 6-7. (83-93A; 71-38A), but upon the happening of
any condition or circumstance which removes the exemption from an
ad valorem tax the property shall thereupon be included within the
taxing district. Except as herein specifically provided, every other
law, regulation or rule of, or applicable to, the Washington Suburban
Sanitary District shall apply to any property for which the front foot
benefit assessment or ad valorem tax is suspended or exempted.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any word, phrase, clause,
sentence or other part or parts of this Act shall be held unconstitu-
tional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitution-
ality shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Act.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
on July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.