1264 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 396
ment Volume), title "Vehicle Laws," subtitle "Certificates of Title
and Registration of Vehicles," subheading "Part VIII. Fees Con-
nected with Registration and Titling," and to repeal Section 3-815
of this Article, subtitle, and subheading, extending the Class K
category of motor vehicle registration plates to manufacturers,
dealers, or distributors for use on used vehicles and repealing por-
tions of the law concerning dealers' plates in the Class M category
for used vehicles.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 3-813 (a) of Article 66½ of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1970 Replacement Volume), title "Vehicle Laws," subtitle
"Certificates of Title and Registration of Vehicles," subheading "Part
VIII. Fees Connected with Registration and Titling," be and it is
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and that Section
3-815 of this Article, subtitle, and subheading be and it is hereby
repealed, all to read as follows:
(a) Each year a fee of $35.00 shall be paid for the first 2 registra-
tion plates issued to each manufacturer, dealer or distributor for use
on new or used vehicles, and a fee of $7.00 for each additional regis-
tration plate issued to such manufacturer, dealer or distributor for
such use, except as provided in Sections 3-814 and 3-818.
(b) Such registration plates shall be interchangeable among the
vehicles owned or used by such manufacturer, dealer or distributor
during the current year in which issued, but only on vehicles which
may lawfully be operated under such plates. Class L plates may be
used only on motorcycles. Class Y plates may be used only on trailers
and semitrailers.
[(c) Notwithstanding any limitation in subsection (a) of this sec-
tion or Section 3-815, a dealer licensed to deal in new vehicles may
use his Class K registration plates on used vehicles held by the dealer
for sale.]
(a) Each year a fee of $35.00 shall be paid for the first 2 registra-
tion plates issued to a dealer for use on used vehicles, and a fee of
$7.00 for each additional registration plate issued for such purpose to
a dealer, except as provided in Sections 3-813 and 3-814.
(b) Such registration plates shall be interchangeable as provided
in subsection (b) of Section 3-813.]
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.
(Senate Bill 218)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 3-202
(b), 3-602 (g), 3-819, 4-107 (d), 6-301.1, 7-629 (b), 11-1002.2, and
12-402 (c) of Article 66½ of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1970 Replacement Volume and 1971 Supplement), title "Vehicle
Laws," subtitles, respectively, "Certificates of Title and Registra-