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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1259   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                       1259

vided further, that with respect to all of the contracts for
projects, except contracts of less than $500,000.00, the Author-
ity shall be considered to foe a "public body" within the mean-
ing of Article 100, Section 96(d) of this Code, title "Work,
Labor and Employment," subtitle "Contracts for Public Works,"
whether or not the projects are funded in whole or in part
out of public funds, and without regard to the source of the funding

[in whole or in part out of public funds, and without regard to the

source of the funding] of the Authority, and as a "public body," the
Authority shall comply with all of the requirements relating to
"public bodies" as set forth in said subtitle, as amended and as the
same may be amended.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.

Approved May 26, 1972.

(Senate Bill 149)

AN ACT to add new Subsection (e) to Section 5 of Article 32 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1971 Replacement Volume),
title "Dentistry," subtitle "In General," to follow immediately
after Subsection (d) thereof, relating to Teacher's Licenses for
certain dental institutional instructional personnel, and to de-
lineate the qualifications, scope and cost thereof.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Subsection (e) be and it is hereby added to Section 5 of
Article 32 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1971 Replacement
Volume), title "Dentistry," subtitle "In General," to follow imme-
diately after Subsection (d) thereof, and to read as follows:

(e) Teacher's License; (qualification, scope and cost).

(1)    Upon appropriate application, the Board may issue a
"Teacher' License" to an applicant therefor who: (i) meets all
requirements of Subsection (b) above; (ii) has been a dental
school graduate who has remained active within the profession for
at least five (5) years; and (iii) is a bona fide, full time, faculty mem-
ber of the institution in which he teaches a subject required by the
dental school and/or practices dentistry. If an applicant is engaged
in a teaching area which is designated by a specialty, in addition
to the requirements above, he must be board qualified or certified
other requirements listed.

(2)    Once issued, the license entitles the licensee to teach and
to practice dentistry, but to practice only within the institution des-
ignated on his certificate of registration (or such others as may be
appropriate because of the specialized nature of services to be per-
formed), and he shall have the privileges of intra-mural practice


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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1259   View pdf image
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