Marvin Mandel, Governor 1249
ment system by single payment, within such period of time as may
be determined by the board of trustees, the contributions, with inter-
est, which he would have paid had he been a member of the retire-
ment system but withdrew. Provided, however, that any such mem-
ber may waive the payment of any or all such contributions, in
which case upon retirement any ordinary disability retirement allow-
ance or any allowance due to non-reappointment or non-reelection to
any office payable to such official, shall be reduced by the actuarial
equivalent of those contributions which he had not paid, with inter-
est to date of retirement.
[The total retirement allowance that would have been payable to
the beneficiary had he not waived his contributions shall be used as
the basis for the determination of any supplemental payment under
the provisions of Section 14(7) of this article.]
Provided further that any desk officer or employee of either house
of the General Assembly, who was receiving an annual salary as
compensation for such employment as of February 1, 1961, and
who previously served as a desk officer or employee of either house of
the General Assembly and received per diem compensation for such
previous service, shall be entitled to prior service credit equal to
four years for any four-year term of a General Assembly during
which such previous service was rendered.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, any member
of the retirement system who had previously served as an elected
or appointed official shall be entitled to receive credit for the period
of such prior service upon making in a single payment, within such
period of time as may be determined by the board of trustees, the
contributions, with interest, which he would have paid on behalf of
such service.
Any member of the State Retirement System who is elected or ap-
pointed to the State judiciary (as a member of the District Court, a
circuit court, the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, the Court of Spe-
cial Appeals, or the Court of Appeals) shall have immediate vesting
rights in the Employees' Retirement System. At the time of retire-
ment as a Judge in one of the listed courts, the member is eligible to
receive benefits from both the Retirement System and the Judges'
Pension System. Upon retirement, no salaried State employee, Judge,
Legislator, or Executive official may receive benefits under more than
one pension system for the same period of service.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.
(Senate Bill 36)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 11(12)
of Article 73B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Pensions," subtitle "In General," amending