1222 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 365
(d) Act as secretary and executive officer of the Commission.
(e) In accordance with the provisions of this article and the
rules of the Commission, to license as agents to sell lottery tickets
persons who will best serve the public convenience and promote
the sale of tickets or shares. The director shall require a bond from
every licensed agent, in such amount as provided in the rules of the
Commission. Every licensed agent shall prominently display his li-
cense, or a copy thereof, as provided in the rules of the Commission.
(f) Shall confer regularly as necessary or desirable and not less
than once every month with the Commission on the operation and
administration of the lottery; shall make available for inspection by
the Commission upon request, all books, records, files, and other in-
formation and documents of the Agency; shall advise the Commission
and recommend such matters as he deems necessary and advisable to
improve the operation and administration of the lottery.
(g) Recommend to the Commission that it suspend or revoke any
license issued pursuant to this article or the rules adopted hereunder.
(h) Subject to the approval of the Commission and the Board of
Public Works and to any applicable laws relating to public contracts,
to enter into contracts for the operation of the lottery, or any part
thereof, and into contracts for the promotion of the lottery. All
contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, and shall
be let for such period of years, not exceeding three, as the Commission
may determine. No contract awarded or entered into by the director
may be assigned by the holder thereof except by specific approval of
the commission and the Board of Public Works.
(i) To certify monthly to the State Comptroller and the Commis-
sion a full and complete statement of lottery revenues, prize disburse-
ments and other expenses for the preceding month.
9. No action of the Commission shall be binding unless taken at a
meeting at which at least three of the five members are present and
shall vote in favor thereof. The minutes of every meeting of the
Commission, including any rules adopted by the Commission or any
amendments, revisions, supplements or repeal thereof, shall be forth-
with transmitted, by and under the certification of the secretary, to
the Governor.
10. (a) No license as an agent to sell lottery tickets or shares shall
be issued to any person to engage in business exclusively PRIMARILY
as a lottery sales agent. Before issuing such license the director shall
consider such factors as (1) the financial responsibility and security
of the person and his business or activity, (2) the accessibility of his
place of business or activity to the public, (3) the sufficiency of
existing licenses to serve the public convenience, and (4) the volume
of expected sales.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "person" shall
be construed to mean and include an individual, association, corpora-
tion, club, trust, estate, society, company, joint stock company, re-
ceiver, trustee, assignee, referee, or any other person acting in a
fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court
or otherwise, and any combination of individuals. "Person" shall
also be construed to mean and include all departments, commissions,
agencies and instrumentalities of the State, including counties and
municipalities and agencies and instrumentalities thereof.