Marvin Mandel, Governor 1005
(d) The chairman shall preside over meetings of the Commission
and shall direct the performance of the powers and duties as stated
The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To act in an advisory capacity to the Director;
(b) To keep itself fully informed of the activities of the Depart-
ment and to receive periodic and special reports concerning the cur-
rent operations of the Department;
(c) To consider the needs for further water resources develop-
ment of the State from the points of view of the several economic
and social interests of its people, and to advise the Director with
respect to long-range plans and programs of the Department.
(d) To advise the Director with respect to rules and regulations
promulgated or amended by the Director. Rules and regulations
promulgated shall be subject to the provisions of the Administrative
Procedure Act and any other rule which requirements impose by
law. Any such rules and regulations adopted shall have the force
and effect of law, unless and until modified or repealed by the
General Assembly. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to
give the power to change or modify any law enacted by the General
Assembly either before or after the passage of this article. All
rules and regulations of the Water Pollution Control Commission
and those rules and regulations of the Department of Geology, Mines
and Water Resources pertaining to the appropriation of waters and
to reservoirs and dams and to well drillers in effect immediately
prior to June 1, 1964, and all rules and regulations of the Commis-
sion in effect immediately prior to July 1, 1969, shall continue to be
effective thereafter until rescinded.
(e) To advise the Director with respect to programs of the De-
partment as represented in the annual budget request.
(f) To assist the Director in fostering public awareness and un-
derstanding of the objectives and functions of the Department, and
in stimulating public participation and interest in orderly, inte-
grated water resource development within the State.
(g) To hold, with the approval of the Director, public hearings
and to sponsor meetings in any part of the State when deemed
necessary or useful in the execution of its duties.
(h) Except as provided in this section and in Section 4 of this
article, all other powers and duties exercised and performed by the
Commission or its chairman pursuant to any provisions of law
shall, from and after July 1, 1969, be exercised and performed by
the Director.]
The Department shall be responsible for supervising and planning
the multiple purpose development of the waters of the State for
the best interests of all its inhabitants. The Department shall pre-
pare and develop a general water resources program which con-
templates the proper conservation and development of the waters